Foto del docente

Alessandra Gambineri

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MED/13 ENDOCRINOLOGIA


Pasquali R.; Gambineri A.; Pagotto U., The impact of obesity on reproduction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome., «BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY», 2006, 113, pp. 1148 - 1159 [articolo]

Gambineri A.; Patton L.; Vaccina A.; Cacciari M.; Morselli-Labate A.M.; Cavazza C.; Pagotto U.; Pasquali R., Treatment with flutamide, metformin, and their combination added to a hypocaloric diet in overweight-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized, 12-month, placebo-controlled study., «THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM», 2006, 91, pp. 3970 - 3980 [articolo]

Gambineri A.; Patton L.; De Iasio R.; Cantelli B.; Cognini G.E.; Filicori M.; Barreca A.; Diamanti-Kandarakis E.; Pagotto U.; Pasquali R., Efficacy of octreotide-LAR in dieting women with abdominal obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome., «THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM», 2005, 90 (7), pp. 3854 - 3862 [articolo]

Pasquali R.; Patton L.; Pagotto U.; Gambineri A., Metabolic alterations and cardiovascular risk factors in the polycystic ovary syndrome., «MINERVA GINECOLOGICA», 2005, 57(1), pp. 79 - 85 [articolo]

Gambineri A.; Pagotto U.; De Lasio R.; Meriggiola M.C.; Costantino A.; Patton L.; Pelusi C.; Pelusi G.; Pasquali R., Short-term modification of sex hormones is associated with changes in ghrelin circulating levels in healthy normal-weight men., «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION», 2005, 28(3), pp. 241 - 246 [articolo]

Pagotto U.; Gambineri A.; Vicennati V.; Pasquali R., A new interaction to come: Ghrelin and steroid hormones, in: GHIGO E., Ghrelin, DORDRECTH, Kluwer Academic Publisher Group, 2004, pp. 195 - 206 (Endocrine Updates) [capitolo di libro]

GAMBINERI A; PELUSI C; GENGHINI S; MORSELLI-LABATE AM; CACCIARI M; PAGOTTO U; PASQUALI R., Effect of flutamide and metformin administered alone or in combination in dieting obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome., «CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY», 2004, 60, pp. 241 - 249 [articolo]

Gambineri A; Pelusi C; Manicardi E; Vicennati V; Cacciari M; Morselli-Labate AM; Pagotto U; Pasquali R, Glucose intolerance in a large cohort of mediterranean women with polycystic ovary syndrome: phenotype and associated factors, «DIABETES», 2004, 53, pp. 2353 - 2358 [articolo]

VICENNATI V.; CERONI L.; GAGLIARDI L.; PAGOTTO U.; GAMBINERI A.; GENGHINI S.; PASQUALI R., Response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to small dose arginine-vasopressin and daily urinary free cortisol before and after alprazolam pre-treatment differs in obesity., «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION», 2004, 27, pp. 541 - 547 [articolo]

PASQUALI R.; GAMBINERI A, Role of changes in dietary habits in polycystic ovary syndrome., «REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE», 2004, 8, pp. 431 - 439 [articolo]

Patton L.; Gambineri A.; Vaccina A.; Pasquali R., Sindrome dell'ovaio policistico e diabete di tipo 2, «BULLETTINO DELLE SCIENZE MEDICHE», 2004, 176, pp. 15 - 44 [articolo]

Pelusi B.; Gambineri A.; Pasquali R., Type 2 diabetes and the polycystic ovary syndrome., «MINERVA GINECOLOGICA», 2004, 56(1), pp. 41 - 51 [articolo]