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Agnese Cretella

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Filosofia

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-06/A Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: Governance alimentare urbana Sistemi alimentari sostenibili Democrazia alimentare Innovazioni socio-tecniche Ricerca Multidisciplinare

Agnese Cretella’s research examines the intersection of food and urban studies – by focusing on the political, economic and social tensions of contemporary urban foodscapes. More generally, her work revolves around the conjunctions and divergences between food democracy and sustainable agri-food systems.

In her work, she particularly explored the dynamics of injustice around food and how these converts into the practice of urban life. These dynamics include but are not limited to: the interplay between food and city-marketing, gentrification processes, intra-urban competition, smart cities and the creative class.

She started her research career by looking at urban food governance – a topic she deepened by examining the emergence of food strategies, policies, ventures, technologies, social and cultural movements – and new urban developments in cities. In researching these themes, she joined various food-related research projects at international, EU, and national level. In recent years, Dr Cretella has contributed to the emerging field of Environmental Humanities, which is characterised by a multi and cross-disciplinary approach for environmental research and education.

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