Foto del docente

Agnese Cretella

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: GSPS-06/A Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes

Short Bio

Agnese Cretella is Junior Assistant Professor in Sociology of Communication, working on the PON funded research project Coronafood – feeding the city under COVID-19. Her academic expertise revolves around sustainable food systems, food justice and urban food governance. Before joining the University of Bologna, she was based at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, where she is now Visiting Research Fellow. She worked at the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities on the project Food Smart Dublin (2020-2021), right after her collaboration with the ERC project SHARECITY, at the Department of Geography (2019-2020). Dr Cretella holds a PhD in Social and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Amsterdam (2015-2019) and was recipient of a Marie Curie Fellowship at Wageningen University (the Netherlands) within the EU funded project “PUREFOOD” (2011-2015). Her professional background includes working as a researcher for the FAO in Rome and for various food-related NGOs in London. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 8114

Dipartimento di Filosofia
Via Zamboni 38, Bologna - Go to map

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Si riceve, ordinariamente, il martedì dalle ore 14.30 alle 16.30 presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, in via Zamboni 38 a Bologna. Si chiede di concordare preventivamente l'appuntamento tramite mail.

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