A. Tugnoli; G. Landucci; V. Cozzani, Sustainability assessment of hydrogen production by steam reforming, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2008, 33, pp. 4345 - 4357 [articolo]
A. Tugnoli; F. Santarelli; V. Cozzani, Sviluppo di indicatori di prestazione per la sicurezza e la sostenibilità nella progettazione di processo, in: Atti Convegno GRICU 2008, s.l, GRICU, 2008, pp. 509 - 514 (atti di: Ingegneria Chimica: le nuove frontiere - Convegno GRICU 2008, Le Castella (KR), 14-17 Settembre 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
G. Landucci; A. Tugnoli; V. Cozzani, The assessment of inherent safety and escalation hazard in the early stage design of hydrogen storage plants, in: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, MILANO, AIDIC, 2008, 13, pp. 147 - 154 (atti di: CISAP-3, Roma, 11-14 Maggio 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
A. Tugnoli; V. Cozzani; G. Landucci, A Consequence Based Approach to the Quantitative Assessment of Inherent Safety, «AICHE JOURNAL», 2007, 53, pp. 3171 - 3182 [articolo]
A. Tugnoli; V. Cozzani; F. Santarelli, A quantitative framework for sustainability assessment in the process industry, in: Proceedings 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, LYNGBY, Norhaven Book, 2007, pp. 975 - 976 (atti di: 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, EFCE Event n.669, Copenhagen (DK), 16-20 settembre 2007) [atti di convegno-abstract]
G. Landucci; A. Tugnoli; C. Nicolella; V. Cozzani, Assessment of inherently safer technologies for hydrogen storage, in: Proceedings of 12th Int. Symp. on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, RUGBY, IchemE, 2007, pp. 1191 - 1196 (atti di: 12th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Edinburgh, 22-24 maggio 2007) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
A. Tugnoli; F. Barontini; M. Cordella; P. Morra; V. Cozzani; R. Sanchirico; I. Di Somma; R. Andreozzi, Assessment of the hazards caused by accidental decomposition products, in: Proceedings of 12th Int. Symp. on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, RUGBY, IchemE, 2007, pp. 1501 - 1506 (atti di: 12th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, IchemE Symp. Series n.153, Edinburgh, 22-24 maggio 2007) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Cordella M.; Tugnoli A.; Spadoni G.; Santarelli F.; Zangrando T., Comparison of bottled and kegged beer: the LCA approach, in: Proceedings of the 31st EBC Congress, NURNBERG, Fachverlag Hans Carl, 2007, pp. 168 - 176 (atti di: 31st European Brewery Convention, Venice, Italy, 6-10 May 2007) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
V. Cozzani; A. Tugnoli; E. Salzano, Prevention of domino effect: from active and passive strategies to inherently safe design, «JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS», 2007, 139, pp. 209 - 219 [articolo]
M. Cordella; A. Tugnoli; P. Morra; F. Barontini; V. Cozzani, The inherent safety of substances in incidental scenarios: a procedure for the assessment of hazards due to decomposition products, in: :
“The inherent safety of substances in incidental scenarios: a procedure for the assessment of hazards due to decomposition products”
, Chem.Eng.Trans. Proc. 8th Italian Conf. on Chemical and Process Engineering11:363-368, AIDIC: Milano 2007, MILANO, AIDIC Servizi, 2007, 11, pp. 363 - 368 (atti di: 8th International Conf. on Chemical and Process Engineering, Ischia (NA), 24-27 Giugno 2007) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]