Method and apparatus for induction heating

The invention is a highly performing innovation-driven method of heating of the large steel workpiece by induction, allowing for high temperature uniformity and reduced treatment times.

Patent title Apparatus and method for induction heating
Thematic area Climate, Energy and Mobility
Inventors Antonio Morandi, Massimo Fabbri
Protection Lapsed
Licensing status -
Keywords DC/AC coupling, Induced voltage, Current ripple, Induction heating, Magnetic metals
Filed on 22 March 2017

High temperature uniformity is required in heating of large steel work-piece. The present invention involves applying both an AC field (via copper coils) and an intense DC magnetic field (via superconducting coils) which alters the magnetic properties of the material to be heated. Thus, a deeper penetration of the induced currents takes place and, therefore, a much more uniform heating is made possible.


  • production of semi-finished steel and steel processing
  • re-introduction of steel swarf into the production cycle



  • better performance in terms of productivity, treatment velocity, surface quality, control over the process
  • greater direct and indirect energy efficiency of the production process
  • no C02 emissions which are contrariwise present in industrial gas heaters
  • use of current instead of gas, possibility to use electricity generated from renewable sources
Page published on: 15 November 2017