- Docente: Francesca Tomasi
- Crediti formativi: 6
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (cod. 9224)
dal 19/03/2024 al 08/05/2024
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
The seminars are designed to introduce students to some specialized aspects of the training. The seminars are related to the deepening of advanced topics, in particular taught by specialists or professionals of some disciplines of the learning activities. The seminars will deal with the themes connected with the areas of learning: computer science; literary, linguistic, historical/cultural and related to the arts in the digital context; transversal: economics, law and communication.
The activities are organized in a cycle of lectures (3 hours each, h. 3pm-6pm, Tuesday and Wednesday, from March 19th to May 8th).
- Tuesday March 19th, h. 3pm-6pm – Paolo Monella (Univ. La Sapienza, Roma), “Writing for managing research activities. Methods and tools”
- Wednesday March 20th, h. 3pm-6pm – Valentina Pasqual, Giulia Renda, Lucia Giagnolini, Arcangelo Massari (DH PhD students and DHDK graduated), “DH experiences from DHDK to the PhD. Good practices”
- Tuesday March 26th, h. 3pm-6pm – Rachele Sprugnoli (Univ. Parma), “Voyant tools and Recogito”
- Wednesday March 27, h. 3pm-6pm – Rachele Sprugnoli (Univ. Parma), “CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard”
- Tuesday April 9th, h. 3pm-6pm – Remo Grillo, Gianmarco Spinaci (Villa I Tatti, Firenze), “Research Space. Features”
- Wednesday April 10th, h. 3pm-6pm – Remo Grillo, Gianmarco Spinaci (Villa I Tatti, Firenze), “Research Space. Concepts”
- Tuesday April 16th, h. 3pm-6pm – Tiziana Mancinelli (Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Roma), “XML-based tools and technologies”
- Wednesday April 17th, h. 3pm-6pm – Tiziana Mancinelli (Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Roma), “Gephi and distant reading analysis”
- Tuesday April 23rd, h. 3pm-6pm – Federico Meschini (Univ. Tuscia, Viterbo), “Storytelling as the oldest profession in the world”
- Wednesday April 24th, h. 3pm-6pm – Federico Meschini (Univ. Tuscia, Viterbo), “Digital storytelling and electronic publishing between narrative and database logic”
- Tuesday May 7th, h. 3pm-6pm – Angelo Mario Del Grosso (ILC-CNR, Pisa), “Intro to eXistDB and applet xquery”
- [POSPONED] Friday June 14th, h. 3pm-6pm – Angelo Mario Del Grosso (ILC-CNR, Pisa), “LLM/prompting ChatGPT”
The list of readings will be published on Virtuale
Metodi didattici
Different experts are involved in the lectures.
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
Students are required to elaborate an idea for a research project proposal, involving the more of the theories, models, tools and techniques presented during the seminars.
The idea has to be organized in a virtual presentation to be discussed during an oral exam.
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Francesca Tomasi