Codice | 5989 |
Anno accademico | 2023-2024 |
Tipologia di corso | Alta Formazione |
Area di interesse | Scientifico-tecnologica |
Sede didattica | Bologna |
Direttore | Matteo Vignoli |
Durata | 4 mesi |
Costo | 62,04 € |
Prevista selezione | Si |
Scadenza bando |
05/01/2024 (Scaduto) |
Inizio e fine immatricolazione | From 30/01/2024 to 09/02/2024 |
- Struttura proponente
Dipartimento di Scienze aziendali - DiSA
- Obiettivi
- The programme, which will last for 4 months (16th of February - 28th of June 2024), will be taught in English. The Programme awards 15 University educational credits (CFU/ECTS) and a final evaluation from 0 to 30. The experience gained will be recognised in the diploma supplement and may also count towards the accrual of credits, depending on the evaluation of the degree programme board of the participant requesting it, and subject to certification of the experience gained, issued by Ufficio Master.The Programme’s learning outcomes are the following: the course aims to shape the students’ entrepreneurial mindset, especially regarding technology-driven entrepreneurship. The course’s objective is to help students to develop: (1) the ability to identify and evaluate technology opportunities with a societal impact; (2) the ability to empathize with their users, their ecosystem, and their needs; (3) the ability to ideate, evaluate and improve solutions that address the identified needs, with global and local relevance; (4) the ability to organize and implement entrepreneurial actions. In order to achieve those learning outcomes, CBI.ATTRACT is designed as a project-based course structured on design thinking principles, such as human-centredness, tackling ill-formulated challenges, building knowledge through making and through iteration, and learning collectively instead of individually. The Design Thinking process has been hybridized with tech-driven innovation tools to enable the students to gain a deep understanding of their users’ needs and exploit the technology’s potential of Attract projects through a “tech ability-societal need” match.
- Numero partecipanti
- Minimo: 30 - Massimo: 30
- Titoli d'accesso
- All applicants must hold the following qualifications and meet the following admission requirements by the enrolment end date (09/02/2024):
- All BA degrees, currently enrolled in a Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale) at the University of Bologna, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia or University of Ferrara.
- First cycle degree/single cycle degree obtained abroad deemed equivalent to those described in point above by the admission committee, for the purposes of admission to post-graduate vocational training programme.
-Candidates must demonstrate their knowledge of English, which is the official language of the programme in question
-Candidates must demonstrate to be allowed to travel internationally, by providing a copy of the needed documents according to the individual candidate status (e.g. passport/visa/resident/study permit). - Criteri di selezione
- Admission to the programme is subject to passing the three steps selection procedure (qualifications, self-presentation video, group assessment, individual interview).
The maximum score awarded by the Examination Committee is 100. The minimum score of 60 must be achieved to pass the selection.
Group Assessment 15-17/01/24 The exact date of the group test will be communicated to the candidate via email.
Individual interview 22-25/01/24. The exact date of the individual interview will be communicated to the candidate via email.
- Piano didattico
- Discover - SSD - ING-IND/35 - Docente : Matteo Vignoli
- Design - SSD - ICAR/13 - Docente : Giuseppe Mincolelli
- Develop - SSD - SECS-P/08 - Docente : Bernardo Balboni
Altre attività:
- Project Work - ING-IND/35 - Docente: Matteo Vignoli
- Frequenza obbligatoria
- 80%