Patronage is an official recognition by which the University expresses its support, free of charge, for worthy third-party initiatives, for which it allows the use of its seal.
Patronage may be granted by the University or by one of its campuses or departments.
For detailed information, please see the Rules for granting patronage.
Possible patronage
Patronage may only be requested for non-profit initiatives that fall within the University's institutional aims, such as, for example, conventions, congresses, conferences, seminars, dissemination activities, awareness-raising campaigns, publication of editorial and multimedia products in the cultural, scientific, social and sporting fields.
The patronage of campuses may only be requested for initiatives strictly related to the local territory (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna or Rimini).
The patronage of departments may only be requested for initiatives strictly related to the relevant scientific field.
How to apply for patronage
Patronage of the University
- Fill in the University form [.pdf 185 KB]
- E-mail it to:
The University will send the applicant the patronage authorisation by e-mail, together with the file containing the University seal and instructions on how to use it.
Patronage of campuses
- Fill in the campuses form [.pdf 217 KB]
- E-mail it
- for the Cesena Campus, to
- for the Forlì Campus, to
- for the Ravenna Campus, to
- for the Rimini Campus, to
The University will send the applicant the patronage authorisation by e-mail, together with the file containing the University seal and instructions on how to use it.
Patronage of departments
- Fill in the departments form [.pdf 216 KB]
- E-mail it the relevant Administration Office; you will find this in the 'Administration Services' section of the ‘Department’ channel of the department website.
The University will send the applicant the patronage authorisation by e-mail, together with the file containing the University seal and instructions on how to use it.
What to do once patronage has been obtained
After obtaining patronage, the beneficiary may use the seal associated with the words 'With the Patronage of', in compliance with the Identity System.
Patronage is granted to individual initiatives and has a fixed duration. It does not automatically extend to other similar or related initiatives.
Patronage does not imply that the University will provide funding for the initiative, nor that it will offer organisational or logistical support for its implementation, nor that it will promote the initiative on its official channels.