All students of the University of Bologna can use Studenti Online, a personal account area where they can manage their studies – from enrolment to graduation.
Faculty, staff and PhD students
Professors, technical and administrative staff, foreign language instructors and assistants, fixed term foreign language assistants, research fellows, teaching tutors, language trainers, employees of the Fondazione Alma Mater, employees of the Fondazione Zeri and PhD students can use Il mio portale, a personal account area in the University Intranet Portal where they can look up the full list of university online services, handle their personal data, badges and digital signatures, access their email accounts and personal websites, add their favourite links, etc.
See also
Recovering of University credentials
If you have forgotten your password it can be set to the PUK code using the function "Forgotten your username and password".
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Change your password
If you change your password 6 months ago, you must change it again for security reasons.
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Institutional credentials and student access to Bologna University online services
Help with big or small problems in using academic ‘credentials’ for access to online services offered by the University of Bologna.
Published - institutional credentials
The institutional credentials are used by teaching staff, technical and administrative staff, research fellows, PhD students and collaborators of the University of Bologna to access the online services.