Method for the treatment of intestinal disorders in pets and farm animals

The invention concerns the trans-species oral transplantation of the intestinal microbiota from a healthy monogastric herbivore to an omnivore affected by dysbiotic disorders

Patent title Trapianto trans-specie di microbiota intestinale
Thematic area Bioeconomy, Agriculture and Environment
Inventors Rossella Terragni, Silvia Turroni, Marco Candela, Simone Rampelli
Protection IItaly, with the possibility to extend internationally
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Pet health, Intestinal infections, microbiome transplantation, treatment od dysbiotic diseases
Filed on 24 February 2022

Intestinal dysbiosis is typically treated with antibiotics, in combination with diet, prebiotics and pro-biotics.

However, the antibiotic acts locally, but it has a transient efficacy and frequently induces long-term antibiotic-resistance, with a consequent high risk of reappearance of the disease and associated dysbiosis. There is therefore a need for a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of dysbiosis pathologies that does not present the aforementioned disadvantages.

The invention relates to a new intestinal microbiota transplantation process for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases in omnivorous animals belonging to the class of mammals. In particular, the process involves the transplantation of trans-species intestinal microbiota from a monogastric herbivore donor to an omnivore recipient through a controlled process of oral administration. The process is functional to the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of the omnivore recipient.


• Treatment of chronic intestinal diseases



• Ease of administration

• Effective treatment

• Decrease in use of antibiotics

Page published on: 25 February 2022