Fabric for cleaning works of art

The invention is an electro-spun non-woven fabric, coupled with solvent, effective in removing synthetic and natural cotings and varnishes from works of art, such as paintings, sculptures, archaeological finds, cinematographic film.

Patent title Method for cleaning surfaces of historical and artistic interest
Thematic area Bioeconomy, Agriculture and Environment
Inventors Giorgia Sciutto, Chiara Gualandi, Maria Letizia Focarete, Francesca Ramacciotti, Rocco Mazzeo, Silvia Prati
Protection Italy, with the possibility to extend internationally
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Electrospinning, cleaning, restoration, cultural heritage, paint removal, resins, conservation, solvents, paintings
Filed on 30 July 2021

This method relies on a non-woven fabric for a controlled release of a solvent targeted to clean sensitive surfaces and cultural heritage.

The restorer simply places the fabric on the surface to be treated, making it adhere and waiting for a few minutes: in this way the solvent interacts with the layer to be removed, it swells and is incorporated into the fabric itself. At the end of this process, the restorer removes the non-woven fabric from the surface, which remains free of paint without residues.


- Less use of solvent, with consequent economic and environmental benefits.

- Simplification and effectiveness of the cleaning system.

- Reduction of the risk of damage to the cultural / artistic asset.

- Limited exposure to solvents


The application sector is that of the restoration of cultural heritage, such as:

- polychrome works

- sculptures

- archaeological finds

- archival material

- cinematographic films

Page published on: 06 September 2021