07654 - Bioethics

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)

Learning outcomes

asic knowledges, specific methodologies and critical abilities with regard to the most relevant bioethical issues.

Course contents

The Sense of an Ending. Bioethical Reflections 


The Course deals with those fundamental concepts and moral arguments which play a crucial role in bioethics as public ethics.

First of all, the course deals with general contemporary ethics and the definition of bioethics, in order to promote an independent critical judgment. It focuses on the area of knowledge created by the overlapping interest of three different spheres of competence: technology, medicine, and ethics. In particular it deals with ethical questions related to euthanasia: the meaning of death, the definition of death, the living will, pivotal judicial cases.

Discussion, applied ethical cases, judiciary cases are central part of the lectures.

Experts will attend some meetings to encourage discussion in the classroom.


Class Schedule

I Semester: Mo, Tu, We 5 - 7 p.m., class. IV (str. Zamboni 38).

Start date: 9.23.2019.


Hans Jonas, Il principio responsabilità. Un'etica per la civiltà tecnologica (1979), Turin, Einaudi, 1993 (chap. I, II, IV, p. 3-63 and 101-135).

Zygmunt Bauman, Postmodern Ethics, 1993 (introduction and chap. 7 and 8).

Marina Lalatta Costerbosa, Una bioetica degli argomenti, Turin, Giappichelli, 2012 (I Part, p. 1-99).

Ronald Dworkin, Life's Dominion, 1993 (chap. I, III, VII, VIII). (chap. I, III, VII, VIII).

  • One group between the following:

1. Norbert Elias, La solitudine del morente, Bologna, il Mulino, 1985 and Zygmunt Bauman, Mortality, Immortality, and Other Life Strategies, 1992.

2. Vladimir Jankélévitch, La morte, Turin, Einaudi, 2009.


Suggested Readings (optional):

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, La morte e il morire, Assisi, Cittadella Editrice, 201820.

Edgar Morin, L’uomo e la morte, Trento, Erickson, 2015.


This program is valid for both attending and non-attending students.

Students attending other degree courses can ask for an individual bibliography. However, this choice shall be optional.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars and discussion on bioethical themes.

Interdisciplinary seminars will be hold by experts working in the field.

Assessment methods

Final oral examination. Room 5.01 (str. Zamboni 38). On September there will be an examination schedule. 

Evaluating criteria:

1. Expertise; practical reasoning ability; critical competence.


18-21/30 basic level

22-25/30 moderate level

26-28/30 good level

29-30/30 excellent level.

Teaching tools

http://www.governo.it/bioetica/ Žhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/biosociety/bioethics/bioethics_ethics http://bioethics.georgetown.edu/pcbe/ [http://www.governo.it/bioetica/%20%C3%82%C2%8Ehttp://ec.europa.eu/research/biosociety/bioethics/bioethics_ethics%20http://bioethics.georgetown.edu/pcbe/]

Office hours

See the website of Marina Lalatta Costerbosa


Good health and well-being Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.