00768 - General Pathology

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Professional education (cod. 8477)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the causes and pathogenic mechanisms of human diseases. Occupational and environmental causes of disease will be examined as well as their pathological consequences. The students will learn the principles and biological basis of immune response regulation, including the pathophysiology of immune diseases.

Course contents

Cellular pathology: health and disease concepts, etiology and pathogenesis; cellular adaptations, reversible and irreversible cell injury: autophagy, necrosis and apoptosis.

Inflammatory-reparative response: etiology and classification of acute inflammation, chemical mediators, vascular changes, cellular events and phagocytosis, systemic consequences and etiopathogenesis of fever; chronic and granulomatous inflammation; adult stem cells, reparative response: tissue repair and wound healing, fibrosis. Coagulation cascade.

Immunology and immunopathology: cells and tissues of the immune system; innate and specific immunity; antigen processing and presentation; humoral and cell-mediated immune responses; antibody; complement; tolerance. Hypersensitivity. Autoimmunity. Immunodeficiency syndromes. Vaccines.

Oncology: the neoplastic cell; tumor classification; carcinogenesis; epidemiology and prevention; molecular genetics of cancer, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes; tumor progression; metastasis.

Ereditary diseases: genetic diseases: autosomal dominant and recessive disorders, X-linked disorders, chromosomal disorders.

Environmental and nutritional diseases: diseased caused by chemical or physical agents; nutritional disorders: malnutrition and obesity.



  1. J.A.M. Maier – “Patologia generale e fisiopatologia per le professioni sanitarie” II edizione – Mc Graw Hill Editore (recommended)
  2. E. Rubin, H.M. Reisner – “Patologia generale – l’essenziale” - Piccin Editore (reference book)
  3. G.M. Pontieri - “Patologia generale e fisiopatologia generale. Per i corsi di laurea in professioni sanitarie” III edizione - Piccin Editore (reference book)
  4. T.K. Mak, M. Saunders - "Fondamenti di immunologia" - Zanichelli editore (reference book)

Teaching methods

Lectures (24 hours).

Assessment methods

Student learning will be checked at the end of the course through a written, multiple-choice test.

Teaching tools

Teaching slides will be available on line at Unibo e-learning website https://iol.unibo.it 

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Paolo Garagnani


Good health and well-being Clean water and sanitation Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.