93194 - Theory And Practices Of Conference Interpretation

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

The student knows the fundamental components (definitions, concepts) of Interpreting Theory. S/he is able to understand and critically assess the different theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of interpreting and is able to conceive, manage and evaluate comprehensive interpreting projects, with respect to both interpreting theory and practice, and the code of ethics.

Course contents

The course will be subdivided into three parts of 10 lessons each. They will all be held in the first term, during the first six weeks.

Part 1 (Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting) will taught by Prof. Gabriele Mack. It will also include theoretical approaches but it will mainly focus on practical aspects of simultaneous interpreting and it will include targeted activities to prepare students to carry out simultaneous interpreting. In particular, students will learn to better understand the complex nature of this cognitive and interlanguage activity, starting to practice it in a single language. They will learn how to manage listening while producing speech and will receive indications to develop the basic skills and routines which are necessary to carry out simultaneous interpreting in their respective language combinations.

The second part (Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting) will be taught by prof. Amalia Amato and will be devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of consecutive interpreting, with specific exercises. In particular, students will learn about complex cognitive aspects and tasks that come into play during consecutive interpreting as well as individual/affective factors which may affect the interpreting performance. They will receive specific guidelines on how to develop their own note-taking system. Based on the above guidelines, students will be able to develop and consolidate their own note-taking codes, starting from simple syntagms and gradually moving to phrases and sentences and their links. Students will also learn how to take notes effectively and efficiently using a specific layout as well as signs and symbols for intra-textual references. Moreover, pragmatic aspects of speech will be dealt with and included in their note-taking systems (tone, register, intentions).

Part 3 (Introduction to Interpreting Studies) will be taught by prof. Nicoletta Spinolo who will deal with the following topics: History of Interpreting: Conference and Dialogue Interpreting; Professional Ethics; Quality; Aptitude Testing; Neurolinguistics and Cognitive Paradigms; Sociolinguistic and Pragmatic Paradigms; New Technologies for Interpreting and Remote Interpreting; Media Interpreting; Corpus-based Interpreting Studies.

Some lessons may be taught jointly with other teachers.


Essential readings

List of readings for the final assessment on Introduction to Simultaneous interpreting

Students will read and deliver a presentation (including a critical review) of one of the following papers during a 20-minute interview at the end of the course.

Papers in Spanish, French and German are included in the list for students who have not English in their language combination.


Babcock, L. et al. (2017) “Short-term memory improvement after simultaneous interpretation training”, Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 1 (2), 254-267.

Bendazzoli, C. (2019) “Discourse markers in English as a target language: the use of so by simultaneous interpreters”, Textus 32 (1), 183-202.

Cenkovà, I. (1995) “Le double role des pauses dans le processus de l'interprétation simultanée”, Folia Translatologica International Series 4, 43-50.

Collard, C., Przybyl, H., Defrancq, B. (2019) “Interpreting into an SOV Language: Memory and the position of the Verb. A Corpus-based Comparative Study of Interpreted and Non-mediated Speech“, Meta 63 (3), 695-716.

Dubslaff, F. (1997) “Simultandolmetschen aus dem Deutschen: Warten auf das Verb? Ein altes Thema aus neuer Sicht”, Folia Translatologica International Series 4, 43-50.

Eyckmans, J. (2007) “Taking SLA research to interpreter-training: does knowledge of phrases foster fluency?”, in Boers, F., Darquennes, J., Temmerman, R. (eds), Multilingualism and Applied Comparative Linguistics: Pedagogical Perspectives, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 89-104.

Gieshoff, A. C. (2017) “Audiovisual speech decreases the number of cognate translations in simultaneous interpreting”, in Hansen-Schirra, S.; Čulo, O., Hofmann, S., Meyer, B. (eds) Empirical modelling of translation and interpreting, Berlin, Language Science Press, 313-330.

Gumul, E. (2018) “Searching for Evidence of Gile's Effort Models in Retrospective Protocols of Trainee Simultaneous Interpreters”, Miedzy Oryginalem a Przekladem 24 (42), 17-39.

Hodzik, E. & Williams J. N. (2017) “Predictive processes during simultaneous interpreting from German into English”, Interpreting 19 (1), 1-20.

Lamberger-Felber, H. (1997) “Zur Subjektivität der Evaluierung von Ausgangstexten beim Simultandolmetschen“ in Grbic, N., Wolf, M. (Hgg.) Text - Kultur - Kommunikation - Translation als Forschungsaufgabe, Tübingen, Stauffenburg Verlag, 231-247.

Lu, X. (2018) “Propositional information loss in English-to-Chinese simultaneous conference interpreting. A corpus-based study”, Babel 64 (5-6), 792-818.

Mizuno, A. (2017) “Simultaneous interpreting and cognitive constraints”, Bulletin of the College of Literature, Aoyama Gakuin University 58, 1-28.

Prandi, B. (2017) “Designing a Multimethod Study on the Use of CAI Tools during Simultaneous Interpreting”, in Translating and the Computer 39. Proceedings, 16-17 November 2017, London, AsLing, The International Association for Advancement in Language Technology, 76-88.

Schäffner, C. (2017) “Even though studies on computer-assisted interpreting still represent a very small percentage”, in Biagini, M. et al. (eds), The Changing Role of the Interpreter: Contextualizing Norms, Ethics and Quality Standards, New York, Routledge, 149-172.

Seeber, K. G. (2005) “Temporale Aspekte der Antizipation beim Simultandolmetschen komplexer SOV-Strukturen aus dem Deutschen“, Bulletin Suisse de linguistique appliquée vals-asla 81, 123-140.

Song, S., Cheung, A.K.F. (2019) “Disfluency in relay and non-relay simultaneous interpreting: An initial exploration”, Forum 17:1, 001–19.

Tissi, B. (2003) “Methodologische Probleme und Lösungsansätze in einer Untersuchung über stille Pausen und Verlängerungsphänomene im Simultandolmetschen“, in Schubert, K. (Hrsg.) Übersetzen und Dolmetschen. Modelle, Methoden, Technologie, Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 95-115.

Wang, B., Li, T. (2015) “An empirical study of pauses in Chinese-English simultaneous interpreting”, Perspectives 23 (1), 124-142.


List of readings for the final assessment on Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting

Students will read and deliver a presentation (including a critical review) of one of the following papers during a 20-minute interview at the end of the course.

Papers in Spanish, French and German are included in the list for students who have not English in their language combination.


Abuìn Gonzàlez, M. (2009) “La toma de notas: el desarrollo de la habilidad de aprendiz a intérprete, Hermeneus 11, 23-50.

Abuín González, M. (2012) “The language of consecutive interpreters' notes: Differences across levels of expertise”, Interpreting 14 (1), 055-72.

Albl-Mikasa, M. (2008) “(Non-)Sense in note-taking form consecutive interpreting”. Interpreting 10 (2), 197-231.

Allioni, S. (1989) “Towards a grammar of consecutive interpretation”, in Gran, L.; J. Dodds (eds) The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Teaching Conference Interpretation, Udine, Campanotto Editore, 191-197.

Andres, D. (2001) “Notation: gute Zeichen - schlechte Zeichen. Empirische Untersuchung zur (Un-)Möglichkeit von Notizen, dargestellt am Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch“, in Kelletat, A.F. Dolmetschen. Beiträge aus Forschung, Lehre und Praxis. FASK, Publikationen des Fachbereichs Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germersheim, Reihe A, Frankfurt a.M., Peter Lang, 243-265.

Bohay, M., Blakely, D. P., Tamplin, A. K., Radvansky, G. A. (2011) “Note taking, review, memory, and comprehension”, The American Journal of Psychology 124, 63-73.

Carrier, C. et al. (1984) “The Effects of Facilitative and Debilitative Achievement Anxiety on Notetaking”, Journal of Educational Research 77 (3), 133-138.

Dam, H. V. (2004) “Interpreters' notes: On the choice of language”, Interpreting 6 (1), 3-17.

Dam, H. V. (2007) “What makes interpreters' notes efficient? Features of (non-)efficiency in interpreters' notes for consecutive”, in Gambier, Y., Shlesinger, M., Stolze, R. (eds), Doubts and directions in translation studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Lisbon 2004, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 183-197.

Gile, D. (1991) “Prise de notes et attention en début d'apprentissage de l'interprétation consécutive: une expérience - démonstration de sensibilisation”, Meta 36 (2-3), 431-439.

Kohn, K., Albl-Mikasa M. (2002) “Note-taking in consecutive interpreting. On teh reconstruction of an individualised language”, in Van Vaerenbergh, L. (ed.) Linguistics and Translation Studies. Translation Studies and Linguistics, 257-272.

Mueller, P.A., Oppenheimer, D.M. (2014) “The pen is mightier than the keyboard. Advantages of longhand over laptop note taking”, Psychological Science 25 (6), 1159-1168.

Piolat, A. et al. (2005) “Cognitive effort during note taking”, Applied Cognitive Psychology 19 (3), 291-312.

Rendong, C., Yaping D., Nan Z., Jiexuan L. (2015) “Factors contributing to individual differences in the development of consecutive interpreting competence for beginner student interpreters”, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9 (1), 104-120.

Roussey, J.-Y., Piolat, A. (2003) “Prendre des notes et apprendre. Effet du mode d'accès à l'information et de la méthode de prise de notes”, Arob@se 7 (1-2).

Szabó, C. (2006) “Language choice in note-taking for consecutive interpreting: A topic revisited”, Interpreting 08:2, 129-147.


List of readings for the final assessment on Introduction to Interpreting Studies

Bendazzoli, C. (2018) “Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: Past, Present and Future Developments of a (Wired) Cottage Industry”, in Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C., Defrancq, B. (eds) [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/621889], Singapore, Springer, 1-20.

Gran, L. (1999) “L’interpretazione simultanea: premesse di neurolinguistica”, in Falbo, C., Russo, M., Straniero Sergio, F. (eds) Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche, Milano, Hoepli, 207-227.

Kalina, S. (2012)“Quality in interpreting”, in Gambier, Y.; Doorslaer L, van (eds) Handbook of translation studies 3, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 134-140 OPPURE Viezzi (1999) “Aspetti della qualità nell'interpretazione”, in Falbo, C., Russo, M., Straniero Sergio, F. (eds) Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche, Milano, Hoepli, 140-151.

Kalina, S. (2015) “Ethical challenges in different interpreting settings”, MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, Special Issue 2: 63-86.

Kellett, C. J. (1999) “Aspetti storici dell'interpretazione”, in Falbo, C., Russo, M., Straniero Sergio, F. (eds) Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva, Milano, Hoepli, 3-25.

Russo, M. (2011) “Aptitude testing over the years”, Interpreting 13 (1), 5-30.

Wadensjö, C. (2002) “The Double Role of Dialogue Interpreting”, in Pöchhacker F.; Shlesinger M. (eds), The Interpreting Studies Reader, London, Routledge, 354-370.


Recommended readings

Part 1: Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting

Gillies, A. (2013) Conference interpreting: a student's practice book, London/New York, Routledge.

Goldman-Eisler, F. (1972) “Segmentation of Input in Simultaneous Translation”, in Pöchhacker, F.; Shlesinger, M. (eds) (2002) The Interpreting Studies Reader, London/New York, Routledge, 68-76.

Hervais-Adelman, A., Babcock, L. (2019) “The neurobiology of simultaneous interpreting: Where extreme language control and cognitive control intersect“, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1–12.

Setton, R., Dawrant, A. (2016) Conference Interpreting – A Complete Course, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

Part 2: Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting

Allioni, S. (1997) Elementi di grammatica per l’interpretazione consecutiva, Trieste, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori Università degli studi di Trieste.

Amato, A. (2004) “L’interpretazione consecutiva in aula: da artificio a simulazione”, in Bersani Berselli, G., Mack, G. e Zorzi, D. (a cura di) Linguistica e interpretazione, Bologna, CLUEB, 193-210.

Falbo, C., Russo M., Straniero Sergio, F. (a cura di) (1999) Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche, Milano, Hoepli.

Gillies, A. (2019) Consecutive Interpreting. A Short Course, London/New York, Routledge.

Part 3: Introduction to Interpreting Studies

Research methods

Angelelli, C., Baer, B. J. (2015) Researching translation and interpreting, London, Routledge.

Falbo, C. (2004) La ricerca in interpretazione. Dagli esordi alla fine degli anni settanta, Milano, Franco Angeli.

Gile, D., Dam, H., Dubslaff, F., Martinsen, B., Schjoldager, A. (eds.) (2001) Getting Started in Interpreting Research, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

Hale, S., Napier, J. (2013). Research Methods in Interpreting, London, Bloomsbury.

Pöchhacker, F. (2016) Introducing Interpreting Studies, London/New York, Routledge (2nd ed.).

History of interpreting

Baigorri-Jalón, J. (2000) La interpretación de conferencias: el nacimiento de una profesión. De París a Nuremberg, Granada, Comares.

Baigorri Jalón, J. (transl. by Mikkelson, H., Slaughter-Olsen, B.) (2014) From Paris to Nuremberg: the birth of conference interpreting, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

Delisle, J. & Woodsworth, J. (2014) “Interpreters and the making of history”, in Delisle, J., Woodsworth, J. (eds) Translators through history (revised edition), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 247-290.

Professional code of ethics

Bell, T. (2010) “Personal Ethics and Language Services“, MultiLingual 21 (8), 41-43.

Inghilleri, M. (2010) “'You Don’t Make War Without Knowing Why': The Decision to Interpret in Iraq”, in Inghilleri, M., Harding, S.-A. (eds) Translation and Violent Conflict, Special Issue of The Translator 16 (2), 175-196.

Kalina, S. (2015) “Ethical challenges in different interpreting settings”, MonTI Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, Special Issue 2, 63-86.


Collados Aís, Á. (2016) ”Evaluación de la calidad y entonación del intérprete de simultánea: pautas evaluadoras”, MonTI Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, Special Issue 3, 213-238.

Dal Fovo, E. (2013) “Quality as coherence maintenance. A corpus-based pilot study on topical coherence in simultaneous interpretation on television: the question/answer group”, in Garcia Becerra, O., Pradas Macía, E. M., Barranco-Droege, R. (eds) Quality in interpreting: widening the scope (vol. 1), Granada, Editorial Comares, 149-174.

Kurz, I. (2003) “Quality from the User Perspective”, in Collados Aís, Á.la, Fernandez Sánchez, Ma M., Gile, D. (eds) Evaluación de la calidad en interpretación: investigación, Granada, Editorial Comares, 3-22.

Pöchhacker, F. (2002) “Researching interpreting quality”, in Viezzi, M. & Garzone, G. (eds) Interpreting in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 95-106.

Poyatos, F. (1987/2002) “Nonverbal communication in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. A theoretical model and new perspectives”, in Pöchhacker, F., Shlesinger, M. (eds) The Interpreting Studies Reader, London, Routledge, 234-246.

Shlesinger, M. (1994) “Quality in simultaneous interpreting” in Gambier, Y., Gile, D., Taylor, C. (eds), Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 123-132.

Aptitude testing

Moser-Mercer, B. (1994) “Aptitude Testing for Conference Interpreting: Why, When and How”, in Lambert, S., Moser-Mercer, B. (eds) Bridging the Gap: Empirical Research on Simultaneous Interpretation, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 57-68.

Russo, M. (2011) “Aptitude testing over the years”, Interpreting 13 (1), 5-30.

Shlesinger, M., Pöchhacker, F. (eds) (2011) “Aptitude for Interpreting”, Interpreting 13 (1) Special Issue.

Skaaden, H. (1999): “Lexical knowledge and interpreter aptitude”, International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9 (1), 77-97.

Timarová, Š., Ungoed-Thomas, H. (2008) “Admission testing for interpreting courses”, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 2 (1), 29-46.

Neurolinguistic and cognitive paradigms

Ahrens, B., Kalderon, E., Krick, C. M., W. Reith (2010) “fMRI for exploring simultameous intepreting”, in Gile, D., Hansen, G., Pokorn, N. (eds.) Why Translation Studies Matters, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 237-247.

Babcock, L., Vallesi, A. (2017) “Are simultaneous interpreters expert bilinguals, unique bilinguals, or both?”, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20 (2), 403–417.

Chmiel, A., Mazur, I. (2013) “Eye Tracking Sight Translation Performed by Trainee Interpreters” In Way C., Vandepitte S., Meylaerts R., Bartłomiejczyk M. (eds) Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 189–205.

Fernández Bravo, E. (2019) “Metacognitive self-perception in interpreting”, Translation Cognition & Behavior 2 (2), 147-164.

Gile, D. (1999) “Testing the effort models’ tightrope hypothesis in simultaneous interpreting: A contribution”, Hermes 23, 153-172.

Seeber, K. G. (2011) “Cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Existing theories – new models”, Interpreting 13, 176-204.

Seeber, K. G., Kerzel. D. (2012) “Cognitive Load in Simultaneous Interpreting: Model Meets Data” International Journal of Bilingualism 16 (2), 228-242.

Setton, R. (2003) “Models of the Interpreting Process”, in Collados Aís, Á. & Sabio Panilla, J.A. Avances en la investigación sobre la interpretación, Granada, Editorial Comares, 29-91.

Sijia, C. (2018) “A Pen-Eye-Voice Approach Towards The Process of Note-Taking and Consecutive Interpreting: An Experimental Design”, International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies 6 (2), 1-8.

Sociolinguistic and pragmatic paradigms

Bendazzoli, C. (2010) Testi e contesti dell’interpretazione di conferenza, Bologna, Alma@DL amsacta.unibo.it/2905/1/Testi_contesti_interpretazione.pdf

Cronin, M. (2002) “The Empire talks back. Orality, heteronomy and the cultural turn in interpreting studies”, in Pöchhacker, F., Shlesinger, M. (eds), The Interpreting Studies Reader, London, Routledge, 388-397.

Duflou, V. (2016) Be(com)ing a conference interpreter: an ethnography of EU interpreters as a professional community, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

Russo, M. (1999) “La conferenza come evento comunicativo”, in Falbo C., Russo M., Straniero Sergio F. (eds) Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva, Milano, Hoepli, 89-102.

Straniero Sergio, F. (1999) “Verso una sociolinguistica interazionale dell’interpretazione”, in Falbo C., Russo M., Straniero Sergio F. (eds) Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva, Milano, Hoepli, 103-139.

Straniero Sergio, F. (1999) “The interpreter on the (talk) show: interaction and participation frameworks”, The Translator 5 (2), 303-326.

New Technologies for Interpreting and Remote Interpreting

Braun, S., Taylor, J. (2012) “Video-mediated interpreting: an overview of current practice and research”, in Braun, S., Taylor, J. (eds) Videoconference and Remote Interpreting in Legal Proceedings, Cambridge/Antwerp, Intersentia, 33-68.

Braun, S. (2013) “Keep your distance? Remote interpreting in legal proceedings: a critical assessment of a growing practice”, Interpreting 9 (1), 21-46.

Fantinuoli, C. (ed.) (2018) Interpreting and technology, Berlin, Language Science Press.

Jiménez Serrano, Ó. (2019) “Foto fija de la interpretación simultánea remota al inicio del 2020”, Tradumàtica 17, 59-80.

Lee, J. (2007) “Telephone interpreting – seen from the interpreters’ perspective”, Interpreting 9 (2), 231-252.

Mellinger, C. D. (2019) “Computer-Assisted Interpreting Technologies and Interpreter Cognition: A Product and Process- Oriented Perspective”, Revista Tradumàtica. Tecnologies de la Traducció 17, 33-44.

Roziner, I., Shlesinger M. (2010) “Much ado about something remote”, Interpreting 12 (2), 214-247.

Russo, M., Iglesias Fernández, E., González Rodríguez, M.J. (eds) (2019) Telephone interpreting: the impact of technology on dialoogue interpreting / L’interpretazione telefonica: l’impatto della tecnologia sull’interpretazione dialogica, Bologna, Bononia University Press.

Seeber, K., Keller, L., Amos, R., Heng, S. (2019) “Expectations vs. experience. Attitudes towards video remote conference interpreting”, Interpreting 21 (2),270-304.

Media interpreting

Dal Fovo, E. (2013) “The language of interpreters on television: characteristics, tendencies, and idiosyncrasies”, in Desoutter, C., Heller, D., Sala, M. (eds) Corpora in specialized communication. Korpora in der Fachkommunikation. Les corpus dans la communication spécialisée, Bergamo, CELSB, 411-434.

Gile, D. (2011) “Errors, omissions and infelicities in broadcast interpreting: Preliminary findings from a case study”, in Alvstad C., Hild A., Tiselius, E. (eds) Methods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative Approaches in Translation Studies, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 201-218.

Katan, D., Straniero Sergio, F. (2001) “Look who’s talking. The ethics of entertainment and talkshow interpreting”, The Translator 7:2, 213-237.

Katan, D., Straniero Sergio, F. (2003) “Submerged ideologies in Media Interpreting”, in Calzada Pérez M. (ed.) Apropos of Ideology, Manchester, St. Jerome Publishers, 131-144.

Russo, M. (2005) “Simultaneous Film Interpreting and Users’ Feedback”, Interpreting 7 (1), 1-26.

Straniero Sergio, F. (2007) Talkshow Interpreting. La mediazione linguistica nella conversazione spettacolo, Trieste, EUT.

Corpus-based interpreting studies

Bendazzoli, C. (2010) Corpora e interpretazione simultanea, Bologn, Alma@DL amsacta.unibo.it/2897/3/corpora_interpretazione_simultanea.pdf

Bendazzoli, C. (2018) “Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: Past, Present and Future Developments of a (Wired) Cottage Industry”, in Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C; Defrancq, B. (eds) [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/621889], Singapore, Springer, 1-20.

Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli A., N. Spinolo (2012) “The European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC): implementation and developments”, in Straniero Sergio F., Falbo C. (eds) Breaking Ground in Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies, Bern, Peter Lang, 35-50.

Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C., Defrancq, B. (eds) (2018) [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/621889], Singapore, Springer.

Straniero Sergio, F., Falbo, C. (eds) (2012) Breaking Ground in Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies. Bern, Peter Lang.

Teaching methods

Part 1 - Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting:

This part of the course will be delivered remotely. Each lesson will comprise a theoretical part and some interactive components such as practical exercises. Students will be asked to record their oral practical exercises, which might then be discussed in groups. The exercises will serve as a starting point and model for self-study before and after classes.

Part 2 - Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting:

This part will be delivered partly remotely and partly in the classroom. Each lesson will encourage the active participation of students. Besides theoretical lessons there will be practice-orientated sessions where students will start performing consecutive interpreting. Students will also be assigned specific exercises to develop their note-taking system.

Part 3 - Introduction to Interpreting Studies:

This part will be delivered remotely. At the end of each week, students will be assigned readings to present in class in pairs or in small groups during the following week.

Assessment methods

At the end of the course students will sit a 20-minute interview. Besides presenting the papers they have selected for part 1 and 2 from the above list of readings, their knowledge on the course subjects dealt with in part 3 will be assessed. During the interview also students’ Italian language skills (ability to speak coherently and cohesively in Italian and to use the appropriate register and lexicon) will be evaluated. The final grade results from the assessment on the three parts of the course.


- Present the objectve/s of the author/s

(i.e.: the goal is to answer a specific question, to confirm/reject an assunption, etc.).

- Present the methodology

(i.e.. the author tried to ascertain whether taking notes reduces processing abilities and undermines listening and comprehension of interpreting students. Two groups of students attending the same course delivered one consecutive, one group with note-taking the other one without. Results were compared using proper names as indicators).

- Present results and conclusions

(i.e.: the number of correctly rendered proper names in consecutive without notes was higher compared to consecutive with note-taking. This confirms the assunption that note-taking requires a lot of cognitive resources to the detriment of listening and comprehension).

- Assessment of the structure of the paper

(i.e: the paper follows the conventional structure? i.e.: Introduction-Materials and Methods-Results-Discussion).

- Assessment of methodology

(i.e: the methodology is appropriate to reach the author's goal; validity and reliability of methodology, for instance: too many variables? appropriate research tools wre used? etc.).

- Assessment of the author's inferences

(i.e.: is the reesearch ratonal accurate? Every step in the study is a logical consequence fo the previous one? Conclusions are directly derived from results? Is any logical step missing?).

Teaching tools

Teaching tools include:

- two online platforms: TEAMS (for distance learning) and Moodle (for communication and provision of any support materials)

- computer equipped with headset with microphone

- recording device (computer, mobile, I-pad,etc.)

- electronic documents (text, images, audio and video files).

Office hours

See the website of Gabriele Dorothe Mack

See the website of Amalia Agata Maria Amato

See the website of Nicoletta Spinolo


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