PhD in Sociology and Social Research

Academic Year 2022-2023
Subject area Legal, Politological, Economic and Statistical Sciences
Cycle 38
Coordinator Prof. Antonio Francesco Maturo
Language English, Italian
Duration 3 years

Application deadline: Aug 02, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Expired)

NRRP Call for Applications

Enrolment: From Sep 26, 2022 to Oct 05, 2022 - On download NRRP forms only

Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2022

NRRP loghi

Application deadline: Jun 09, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Expired)

Call for Applications

Positions: More information in the PhD Programme Table

Enrolment: From Jul 21, 2022 to Jul 31, 2022

Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2022

Operating centre
Main Department
Department of Sociology and Business Law - SDE
Associated Departments
Department of the Arts - DARvipem
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - LILEC
Research topics
  • Sociological theory and research methodology
  • Urban sociology, tourism and migratory processes
  • Sociology of cultural and communicative processes
  • Digital Sociology
  • Sociology of family and generations
  • Sociology of education and socialization processes
  • Sociology of deviance, criminology and victimology
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of well-being
  • Sociology of Social Policy
  • Sociology of economic processes, organization and work
  • Sociology of Consumption
  • Social communication and participatory processes
  • Sociology of web society
  • Sociology of Social Innovation
Job opportunities and potential areas of employment
The Ph.D students find their optimal position as reseacher at universities, or in public and private research institutions. From an internal research, it came out that previous phD licensed from our program work in the following fields: planning and evaluation of social and health policy - both in the public sector and in the third sector; human resources in big firms; trade unions relationship for big enterpresis; marketing and consumer cultures; health care organizations (both public and private)
 The Ph.D grants them high skills level in the field of sociology, both theoretical and applied. The Ph.D students are able to compete for the position of directors and coordinators of research programmes in public, private and third sector organizations; experts in security and safety; NGOs; professional training.
Admission Board

Surname Name University / Institution Role email
Alberio Marco Università di Bologna Member
Martelli Alessandro Università di Bologna Member
Paltrinieri Roberta Università di Bologna Member
Blokker Paulus Albertus Università di Bologna Substitute
Castrignanò Marco Università di Bologna Substitute
Maturo Antonio Francesco Università di Bologna Substitute
Learning outcomes

The main aims are the the formation and improvement of highly qualified professionals with a strong and solid attitude for the elaboration, organization and direction of empirical and theoretical research. The Phd is organized to educate scholars who will be able to manage:

  • theoretical and sociological reflections along with the most important and innovative emerging social issues;
  • field-work with qualitative and quantitative methodologies, also in the digital realm.

To achieve these goals the students are invited, in the first year, to participate to several methodological seminars, designed to improve their quantitative and qualitative techniques of sociological research. Along the whole period of study the students are invited to participate to regular methodological laboratories, organized to make them able to utilize statistical programms for the social sciences, as SPSS and Stata.

Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates

During the Ph.d program the students will analyze critically the main theoretical sociological paradigms and its methodological consequences. More specifically, the students will carry out the following activities:

  • theoretical research
  • fieldwork, that is:
  1. how to plan a sociological research
  2. operationalization
  3. selection of the best methodology and research techniques
  4. data collection by qualitative and quantitative
  5. data analysis and data interpretation
  6. how to write the research paper
  • tutoring and teaching assistance in classes and group work with junior students
  • writing reviews and working papers
  • research activities carried out abroad for 6 months in a university.
Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes

Le attività di formazione alla ricerca - di cui 450 ore annuali di presenza obbligatoria in Dipartimento - sono così organizzate.
1° Anno:

  • almeno 5 seminari comuni a tutti i dottorandi
  • lectures di studiosi nazionali e stranieri di eccellenza
  • seminari specialistici per temi di ricerca
  • un corso comune di formazione metodologica della durata complessiva di 90 (novanta) ore composto da: un modulo di base, un modulo di analisi qualitativa e un modulo avanzato di introduzione alla elaborazioni dei dati (quantitativi, qualitativi, visuali)
  • tre corsi ad hoc con lezioni frontali dedicati a: disegno della ricerca, utilizzo di banche dati per la ricerca sociale e scientometria.

2° Anno:
Per il secondo anno è previsto, oltre ai seminari comuni e specialistici e alle lectures internazionali, un lavoro di tesi individuale sotto la guida del tutor, per specificare l'ambito della tesi e presentare un elaborato introduttivo al tema e di sintesi del lavoro già svolto.
3° Anno
L'attività formativa del terzo anno è fondamentalmente di tipo individuale, sotto la guida del tutor e specificatamente indirizzata alla realizzazione della tesi dottorale.

Internationalization features
  • Information about the Phd Program are sent by an institutional e-mail to a large number of sociological department in several foreign countries. Moreover, information about the Ph. D Program are sent to international sociological networks (International Sociological Association, European Sociological Association, British Sociological Association) and then spread to their members.
  • The Ph.D students are obliged to spend six months of their research period abroad, in foreign universities, to follow classes and/or to work on their dissertation. They are strongly invited to partecipate at international conferences and summer schools.
  • The PhD Program hosts every year several international guests from foreign universities.
  • The PhD Program offers classes in order to learn out to write an article for international journals and how to write abstracts in order to be accepted at international conferences
  • At the moment, a PhD student (Laura Tanzini - XXXV Cicle) is achieving a joint-PhD (with Barcelona Pompeo Fabra University).
  • in 2020 a joint-Phd was achievied with a KU Leuven (Giulia Ganugi - XXXI Cicle)
  • Agreements have been signed with Ghent University and University of Bielefeld
Expected research results and products

On the basis of the deep learning of the main sociological paradigms and their connection with the methodological outomes, the students are expected to acquire a personal and original research style. Moreover, the students should write:

  • at least one scientific article in a sociological journal during the 3 years of PhD Program
  • an innovative thesis
  • the publication of a paper with the results of the thesis or a second article, within 2 years after the end of the PhD Program. The Board will help the student to connect with publisher and journals

Moreover, the Board of PhD Program encourage the students to work on emerging social issues that can help solving social problems on local, national or international basis. Therefore, the Board will help to spread students research results towards the main institutions that could be affected and through the most appropriate channels. Students research is timely monitored by the Board.


NRRP Call - Admission Exams Schedule

Qualifications Evaluation Results: from Aug. 31st, 2022; Oral Examination: from Sept. 5th, 2022 - 10am; Oral Examination Results: from Sept. 9th, 2022. For further information, check the detail of your application on Studenti Online.