- Docente: Jacopo Gaspari
- Credits: 2
- SSD: ICAR/12
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)
Learning outcomes
The main goal of this module is to make the student conscious of the closed interaction which links technological choices and energy behavior of the building. Assembled construction systems will particularly investigated in relation with the increasing of performances expected for sustainable buildings. The student is asked to acquire a suitable critical judgment in order to assess the performances effect deriving from technological choices in the building life cycle.
Course contents
The Sustainable Architecture Design Studio [16 CFU – 192 hours] embeds the following teaching modules:
- Sustainable Design Technologies I [2+2 CFU – 24+24 hours]
- Sustainable Design Technologies II [4 CFU – 48 hours]
- Energy performance evaluation [4 CFU – 48 hours]
- Sustainable Design [2 CFU – 24 hours]
- Energy Savings Design [2 CFU – 24 hours]
The core contents of the studio are addressed to energy efficient and sustainable architecture, aiming to control the process as whole in relation with boundary conditions and complex contexts.
The teaching module aims at providing specific competences in the following fields: improvement of building envelope performnces - innovative materials and systems - strategies for environmental control - building enevelope and climate conditions - mitigation and adaptation action for the built environment.
A. Boeri, E. Antonini, D. Longo, Edilizia sociale ad alta densità. Strumenti di analisi e strategie di rigenerazione: il quartiere Pilasto a Bologna, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2013.
A. Boeri, E. Antonini, Progettare scuole sostenibili-Criteri, esempi e soluzioni per l'efficienza energetica e la qualità ambientale, EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone (Gorizia) 2011.
J. Rifkin, La terza rivoluzione industriale, Edizioni Mondadori, 2011.
R. Heinberg, La festa è finita. La scomparsa del petrolio, le nuove guerre, il futuro dell'energia, Fazi, Milano, 2004
Leggett, Jeremy,Fine corsa,Einaudi, Torino, 2006
Tiezzi Enzo, Marchettini Nadia, Che cos'è lo sviluppo sostenibile?,Donzelli Ed., Roma, 1999
E. Antonini, G. Landriscina (a cura di), Innovazione, efficienza e sostenibilità del costruire, i risultati delle azioni di ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico del laboratorio LarCo e del centro ICOS, Ricos, Regione Emilia-Romagna, 2007
A. Boeri, Criteri di progettazione ambientale, Editriale Delfino, Milano 2007
K. Fabbri, Guida alla riqualificazione energetica, Edizioni Dei, Roma 2007
D. Longo, Decostruzione e riuso. Procedure e tecniche di valorizzazione dei residui edilizi in Italia, Alinea, Firenze, 2007
J. Gaspari, Trasformare l'involucro: la strategia dell'addizione nel progetto di recupero, EdicomEdizioni 2012
A. Boeri, D. Longo, S. Piraccini, Il progetto dell'involucro in legno – Qualità costruttiva ed efficienza energetica, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2012.
C. Benedetti, Progetto ambiente, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 2003 P. Rava, Tecniche costruttive per l'efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità, Maggioli, Rimini 2007
L.Tronchin, Elementi di fisica tecnica e controllo ambientale, Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, 2006
Gauzin-Muller; Architettura sostenibile. 29 esempi europei di edifici e insediamenti ad alta qualità ambientale, Edizioni Ambiente, 2003 O. Mendler,The HOK guidebook to Sustainable design,John Wiley & Sons Canada 2000 U. Wienke,Manuale di bioedilizia,DEI Roma 2004
Teaching methods
The activities of the studio will be scheduled according to some expected progress step (SAL), each one is specifically addressed to solve a very targeted design question. Each step foresees the student produces a synthesis of his work and a slideshow to allow discussion and further development.
Assessment methods
For this type of teaching LSF, it is mandatory to assess the students' suitability to start the preparation of their degree thesis. The progress of learning process is monitored during the course, through periodic critical reviews. The assessment of suitability is carried out in a single test, at the end of the LSF, and it aims to assess the achieved individual learning level with relation to the contents of each module embedded in the design studio.
The evaluation consists in the presentation by the students of their projects which are discussed with the Professor Commission and also includes the assessment of the theoretical and practical knowledge relating to the covered topics.
The evaluation is based on the weighted application of the following three criteria: knowledge of theoretical contents and bibliography + acquisition of instrumental skills (30%), level of depth of the design hypothesis (30%), clarity and effectiveness in the presentation (40% )
Teaching tools
The studio requires the students to attend lectures and meetings for developing theri own architectural projects. The architectural library of the Department offers useful supports and documents. Slideshows and IT devices will be used as well as the equipments made avaiable by the Department.
Office hours
See the website of Jacopo Gaspari
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.