- Docente: Enrico Giampieri
- Credits: 3
- SSD: FIS/07
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 6063)
from Oct 24, 2024 to Dec 19, 2024
Learning outcomes
The student will acquire fundamental knowledge of classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic phenomena, waves and oscillations and modern physics. They will learn the application of this knowledge of the phenomena of mechanic, thermodynamics and electromagnetism to biological phenomena.
The student will know the different kind of ionizing radiation and their interaction with matter, as well and the fundamental concepts of dosimetry and radioprotection, including elements of the current legislation, the X ray production and their property, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of an X ray beam.Course contents
The course is focused on the teaching of the basic mathematical and physical notions that will be used during the subsequent courses.
The course is divided in two parts:
I-Physical basis
Physical quantities and dimensions
Mechanics, vectors and basic mathematics
Fluid Mechanics : Ideal and real fluids
Oscillations and waves
Heat and Thermodinamics with application to metabolism
Optics: Geometrical and Physical
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics and radioactivity
II- Applications to Medicine with particular focus on the physiological and clinical application such as modern imaging techniques (NMR, PET, SPECT etc)
Radiations in medicine. Radiation-matter interaction, physical quantities in dosimetry. Biological effects and interaction with tissues. Biological effects of ionizing radiation and dose-effect curve for the induction of cancerogenesis.
Radiotherapy: conventional and conformational radiotherapy
Diagnostic: Physical principles of imaging diagnostic. Morfological and functional analysis.
Diagnostic by X rays, radioisotopes, ultrasounds and nuclear magnetic resonance.
Elements of health physics: Radioprotection and quality control in diagnostic radiology. Basic radioprotection legislation.
Lecture notes will be distributed online
Elementi di fisica in medicina e biologia, Castellani e Remondini
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures
Assessment methods
Final exam (written, with optional oral exam)
The test will be composed of 15 multiple-choice questions, to be performed in maximum 2 hours.
Each multiple-choice question will weight 2 point, for a maximum possible mark of 30 points. This will be the proposed mark for the exam.
In a following date (Usually one week after the written test), one will have the option to formally accept the result of the written exam or take an oral exam to modify the result of the test. One needs to have obtained at least 18 in the written test to try the oral exam. The oral exam is necessary to obtain the maximum with laude (30L) score.
Use of calculators will be allowed (their use is actually reccomended), but not of notes or books. Cellphones do not count as calculatorsTeaching tools
Frontal lectures with Slides
Office hours
See the website of Enrico Giampieri