Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)

Learning outcomes

The course is focused on the relationships between media ecosystems, political actors, citizens, and new actors in political communication. It will analyze the main characteristics defining the dynamics of this system, with the aim of demonstrating how the field of political communication has been reconfigured in recent decades. By the end of the course, the student will:

  • Master concepts and theories related to political communication from a media studies perspective.
  • Identify different actors in political communication and understand their patterns of interaction.
  • Be able to analyze expressive and participation practices that characterize contemporary political communication.
  • Be aware of power dynamics between new and traditional actors and their political and social implications.

Course contents

The course is organized around three different thematic modules.

The first module focuses on the nature of contemporary media ecosystems and the implications of their functioning for social dynamics and political processes. Specifically, it will discuss the transformations of public debate and the logics of the attention economy characterizing it. Furthermore, the consequences of information abundance on polarization/depolarization dynamics and political interest will be considered.

The second module is centered on the active participation of citizens in institutional political processes. Specifically, it will redefine the scope of contemporary political participation, highlighting how the networked structure of digital platforms has transformed opportunities and limitations of political action and expression. It will also consider expressive phenomena closely linked to digital cultures, such as political fandom and digital political folklore (e.g., political memes).

Finally, the third module examines classic (e.g., leaders, politicians, parties) and new actors (e.g., digital celebrities and political influencers) capable of exerting influence and generating political consensus. In this regard, the course will primarily consider dynamics and strategies of communication and presence in media spaces and their impact on the ability to gain, manage, and lose citizens' trust.


Exam texts for attending students:

Bentivegna S., Campus D., Valeriani A. (2024) La comunicazione politica contemporanea, il Mulino.

Mazzoleni, G. (a cura di) (2021) Introduzione alla Comunicazione Politica. Bologna: Il Mulino (Capitoli 4,5,6,10, 13, 14).

Non-attending students must contact the professor well in advance to define a specific program.

Teaching methods

The course will be based mostly on taught classes, but will also feature in-depth sessions on issues suggested by the students.

Assessment methods

90 minutes written exam. 50% of the grade will be based on multiple-choice questions or questions with short answers; the other 50% will be based on open-ended questions.

Teaching tools

Powerpoint presentations, screening of campaign materials and documentary films.

Office hours

See the website of Augusto Valeriani


Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.