- Docente: Luca Ferrari
- Credits: 8
- SSD: M-PED/03
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Anna Pileri (Modulo 1) Luca Ferrari (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5726)
from Nov 04, 2024 to Nov 20, 2024
from Feb 11, 2025 to Mar 13, 2025
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student: - identifies the potential of the digital ecosystem and its impact in the educational field; - recognizes and enhances the effects of digital in the development of the digital skills of educators working in schools and outside schools; - recognizes the opportunities of digital within inclusive design processes; - knows the main assistive and inclusive technologies and the perspectives of environmental intelligence; - applies the use of digital technologies to support collaboration between colleagues, operators, users and families in the specific area of intervention of the educator; - knows and applies the principles of universal design (Universal Design for Learning) to accompany the production of educational and didactic contents to fulfill different purposes; - knows and applies the "European Guidelines on the accessibility of information"; - selects educational resources through the use of educational and teaching software databases; - knows the genesis and foundations of Special Pedagogy, placing it in a historical-cultural perspective; - recognizes and identifies an epistemological and conceptual framework relating to educational work with people with disabilities; - knows operational tools, strategies and methodologies for the development of inclusive social processes, active participation and independent living; - knows the main intervention models for inclusive education according to a co-evolutionary, ecological and systemic perspective of people with disabilities; - knows the prerequisites for an educational alliance with families and territories, activating synergies with bodies, institutions and other existential realities, in order to build an inter-institutional and proximity network; - knows the functions of supports and mediators in education and the characteristics of the helping relationship.
Course contents
The teaching of INCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PEDAGOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS is divided into two modules.
Module 1 (Prof. Anna Pileri) proposes an in-depth analysis of the following contents in the light of national and international studies, research, projects and regulations:
1. the historical-evolutionary framework of Special Pedagogy and the socio-educational perspectives;
2. representations, stereotypes and prejudices relating to disability;
3. national and international regulations on scholastic and social inclusion;
4. interpretative models of special educational needs: typologies and categorisations;
5. proactive skills, strategies and tools aimed at academic and social success.
6. inclusion/exclusion variables in interactions in educational and school settings.
In module 2 (Prof. Luca Ferrari) the following macro-themes will be explored:
1. Digital and its impact on education;
2. The digital skills of the socio-pedagogical educator;
3. Technologies for educational and social inclusion
4. Design of inclusive intervention mediated by digital environments and tools.
Module 1. Prof. Anna Pileri
Mandatory books/chapters
Pileri A. (2024), Pensare e agire per l'inclusività. Sguardi sul profilo dell'insegnante per il sostegno (in fase di pubblicazione). Milano, FrancoAngeli (only chapters: 1 e 2).
Caldin R. (2020), Pedagogia speciale e didattica speciale /1. Le origini, lo stato dell'arte, gli scenari futuri, Trento, Erickson. (only chapters: 2 e 3).
Furthermore, scientific articles will be indicated for in-depth analysis of some teaching topics.
Module 2. Prof. Luca Ferrari
Mandatory books/chapters
Emili E.A. (a cura di), Costruire ambienti inclusivi con le tecnologie. Indicazioni teoriche e spunti pratici per una scuola accessibile, Trento, Erickson. (chapters: 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17).
Ingrosso P., Ferrari L. COO.DE (2024), Cooperative Digital Education, Trento, Erickson (chapters: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12).
Teaching methods
The course will develop through lectures, exercises, discussions on research material (experiences and/or videos created in educational and scholastic contexts in the field of research).
Assessment methods
The course offers different moments of formative evaluation.
The FINAL EXAM will be in written form on the topics of the overall teaching. The exam will be divided into two parts:
- one for module 1 with multiple choice answers and an open question (1 hour);
- one for module 2 with an open question referring to the planning of an educational path (in school and/or outside school) capable of connecting the themes of inclusion mediated by digital technologies (1 hour).
Exam duration: 2 hours.
Criteria for exam evaluation: appropriateness and clarity in the use of specific terminology; appropriateness of the contents covered; reference to bibliographical sources. The vote will be awarded out of thirty.
To reach thirty you will need to answer all the questions on the exam. Each answer allows you to obtain from 0 to 10 points (for a total of 30 points) according to the following criteria:
- 0 points: missing or completely incorrect answer (for example: off topic)
- 1-3 points: partially coherent but not sufficiently developed answer, or co-presence of correct and incorrect elements;
- 4-6 points: correct but not exhaustive, superficial or incomplete answer, or lack of clear logical connections between the concepts exposed;
- 7-8 points: correct, comprehensive and well-argued answer;
- 10: points for a particularly clear, comprehensive answer and with an argument that reveals complete mastery of the topic.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS will be able to take the written test in English or French, or agree with the teachers to carry out the exam in oral form.
Students with special needs will be able to make use of technical support aids and tools; of additional time to complete the written test and also agree with the teacher to carry out the exam in oral form. Registration for the tests will always take place via the Alma Esami application.
Teaching tools
Case studies, moments of active participation with exercises, involvement of external national and international experts.
Office hours
See the website of Luca Ferrari
See the website of Anna Pileri

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.