- Docente: Chiara Gius
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SPS/08
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Nov 26, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to critically evaluate and comprehend the different concepts and methods used in the field of social and humanitarian communication. In particular, through the use of examples and case studies, the student will become acquainted with: the complex system of relations that connects poverty, development, solidarity and the representation of sufferance; the different forms of communication employed in the media by social and humanitarian organizations, the processes of construction of social problems, the principles regulating the design of social communication campaigns, the different implications that the use of strategic tools (e.g. storytelling, celebrities, branding) have on this specific segment of communication.
Course contents
The course is organized in lectures and seminars, as detailed in the following program. In seminars, active participation through presentations of existing scholarship and case studies will also be expected.
This course introduces students to humanitarian and social communication and discusses how social problems are constructed and represented.
In particular, the course will explore how humanitarian issues and crises have been historically publicized through the media and examine the challenges posed to humanitarian organizations by the advent of digital media. The course will critically discuss how poverty porn, celebrity humanitarianism, and new media narrations of otherness affect the communication of organizations looking for effective ways to bring about change in the developing world. Using case studies will prepare students to lead strategic planning for NGOs’ communication and government agencies while also understanding the role that communication has in affecting social change.
Students are encouraged to think critically about the readings and the material provided in class. This course is meant to expand the students’ conceptual frameworks and develop their ability to critically engage with media representations and narratives of crisis, development, and social change. At the end of the course, the student will have an in-depth understanding of the key concepts that underpin international aid, philanthropy work, and social marketing campaigns.
Compulsory readings for attending and non attending students:
Boltanski, L. (2000): The Legitimacy of Humanitarian Actions and their Media Representations: The Case of France. Ethical Perspectives, 7(1), pp. 3-16
Chouliaraki, L., (2008). The Mediation of Suffering and the Vision of a Cosmopolitan Public. Television & New media, 9(5), pp. 371/391
Hilgartner, S., Bosk, C.L. (1988). The Rise and Fall of Social Problems. American Journal of Sociology, 94, pp. 53-78
Jansen, T., (2014). Welfare Commonsense, Poverty porn and Doxosophy" Sociological Research Online, 19 (3)
Lefebvre, R. C., (2012). Transformative Social Marketing: Co-creating the social marketing discipline and brand. Journal of Social Marketing, 2 (2), pp. 118-129
Manzo, K., (2008) Imagining humanitarianism: Ngo identity and the iconography of childhood. Antipode, 40(4), pp. 632-657
Mitchell, K., (2016). Celebrity humanitarianism, transnational emotion and the rise of neoliberal citizenship. Global networks, 16(3), pp. 288-306
Olesen, T. (2020). Greta Thunberg’s iconicity: Performance and co-performance in the social media ecology. New Media & Society
Silverstone, R. (2002). Complicity and collusion in the mediation of everyday life. New Literary History 33(4): 761-780
Additional required readings for NON ATTENDING students/ Suggested readings for attending students
Abidin, Crystal, Dan Brockington, Michael K. Goodman, Mary Mostafanezhad, and Lisa Ann Richey. "The tropes of celebrity environmentalism." Annual Review of Environment and Resources 45 (2020): 387-410.Additional required readings for NON ATTENDING students/ Suggested readings for attending students
Borum Chattoo, C., Feldmann, L., (2017). Storytelling for social change: leveraging documentary and comedy for public engagement in global poverty". Journal of Communication, 67(5), pp. 678-701
Chouliaraki, L., Stolic, T., (2017). Rethinking media responsibility in the refugee crisis. A visual typology of European news. Media, Culture & Society, 39(8), PP. 1162-1177
Özdemir, B. P. (2012). Social media as a tool for online advocacy campaigns: Greenpeace Mediterranean's anti genetically Engineered Food Campaign in Turkey. Global Media Journal, 5(2), 23.
Phing, A. N. M., & Yazdanifard, R. (2014). How does ALS Ice bucket challenge achieve its viral outcome through marketing via social media?. Global Journal of Management and Business Research.
Ponte, S., Richey, L.A., & Baab, M. (2009). Bono’s Product (RED) Initiative: corporate social responsibility that solves the problems of “distant others”. Third World Quarterly, 30(2), pp. 301-318
Shildrick, T., (2018). Lessons from Grenfell: Poverty propaganda, stigma and class power. The Sociological Review Monographs, 66(4), pp. 783–798
von Engelhardt, J., Jansz, J., (2014). Challenging humanitarian communication: an empirical exploration of "Kony 2012". The International Communication Gazette, p. 1-21
NB. The list of readings could undergo variations. The complete list of course materials will be published shortly before the beginning of the semester here and the virtual spaces of the course.
Teaching methods
Active learning is an integral part of this course. Some days I will lecture for much of the class. However, most days, students are expected to engage actively in the discussion of the readings and media texts we will be presenting in class.
Teaching materials will include slides, videos, and other media content; 2 or 3 lessons will host experts.
Assessment methods
Attending students
Individual or group presentation........... 30%
Final exam……………………………………………….70%
Individual or group presentation
Students will be responsible for participating in a group/individual presentation on a topic of interest. In particular, students will be asked to critically engage in the analysis of a social communication campaign or to design a campaign over a topic of their choice. Substantial use of class materials and readings is expected for this assignment. There will be space for an interactive dialogue with the rest of the class after each presentation. The presentations will be scheduled by the end of the semester.
Final exam
The final exam will be on all the required readings for attending students. It will be a written exam with 3 questions that students are expected to answer in 75 minutes.NB: Attendance and class participation
Attendance is strongly encouraged and expected. Students are expected to read the assigned chapters or material prior to class and participate in class discussions. Ask questions, be curious!
Students that are NOT attending classes:
Written exam………………………..100%
Final exam
The final exam will be on ALL the readings.It will consist in 5 questions that students are expected to answer in 120 minutes.
Teaching tools
Lectures, slides, video, websites, reports, case studies.
Office hours
See the website of Chiara Gius
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.