- Docente: Davide Dainese
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Religions Histories Cultures (cod. 5890)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students reach an advanced awareness of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of European religions and those located in the Near East, East and South Asia, Africa and the Americas. Against this backdrop, students identify connections, developments, persistence and transformations of religious phenomena and analyze religious phenomena using interdisciplinarey approaches.They apply research methods to address issues relevant to their field of research. Students are able to prepare a relevant bibliography, to collect documents and adequately deepen skills both in the field of research and in the workplace. They eventually can carry out field work collecting empirical data, and using interpretative frameworks to communicate the results of the research.
Course contents
Entangled Histories
The Senior Seminar is an activity articulated throughout the academic year in seminar form.
Scholars, including international scholars, will give lectures of varying lengths (from three hours to whole study days) in which active interaction through discussion will be required.
Suggested bibliography in preparation for each lectures will be provided in advance and in time by the speakers.
Some of the suggested topics:
- history of exegesis: interpretation of sacred texts and their intertextuality, problems of representation and formation of their knowledge within the social groups that produced them;
- religion and law: the legal matrix of religious phenomena and the religious matrix of law (some case studies);
- history of religions: major themes and historical categories that enable understanding of the intertwining of multiple religious traditions.
Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons are considered to be attending. Classes will start on Oct 2nd.
There is no actual bibliography. Titles to consult, both for attending and non-attending students, will be suggested in time by each lecturer before each seminar.
Teaching methods
Lectures; historical-critical analysis of published or unpublished primary sources; extensive space for discussion. Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Assessment methods
Please note that, a student who attends at least 75% of the lectures is considered to be attending. That said, class attendance does not affect the exam except for differences in the syllabus (and in the length of the paper) that will be indicated by each speaker.
Attending Students will be required to submit a 5 (max)-page paper in Italian; non-attending Students will be required to submit a 50-page paper.
This is supposed to be an essay covering one or some of the topics addressed by the lecturers, with whom, if necessary, a more specific bibliography can be agreed upon. The paper is due one week before the examination date. Registration for the exam will be done through the Almaesami application.
Assessment scale:
Excellent (with possibility attribution of honors in the case of originality), i.e. 30 and 30L: the attainment of an organic vision of the issues presented during the lessons and their critical use that demonstrates a mastery of content and technical vocabulary.
Average, i.e. 25-29: Mnemonic knowledge and only partially accurate use of technical vocabulary.
Sufficient, i.e. 18-24: Minimal knowledge of the issues (dates and names), without serious errors.
Insufficient: absence of minimum requirements of ‘sufficient’ assessment.
Teaching tools
Multimedia materials (iconographic sources) and lesson notes.
Students who require specific services and adaptations to teaching activities due to a disability or specific learning:
Office hours
See the website of Davide Dainese

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.