Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Leda Guidi
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students acquire knowledge, skills and competences related to the theoretial, technical and methodogical framework of public communication, methods and analysis tools to identify the transversal communication needs - both internal and esternal - of public organisations, in order to defin&desig strategies, projects and communication plans, in line with professional profiles, new technologies/media landscape, digital platforms, resources of the Public Administrations.

Course contents

The course provides an evolutionary and prospective overview of public communication and boundary disciplines, including in relation to digital media and social and civic platforms.

The topics covered includes: origins and evolution of public and institutional communication (PAs communication), in the european contest, main legislation and reference standards, 150/2000 Law and new professional specific profiles, difference among public communication, advertising, political and social communication, objectives, languages, characteristics of the public message and information to citizens, public communication strategies and campaigns. Aspects and open issues related to new technologies, multichannel, cross-media and digital platforms, including social networks and innovation related to electronic citizenship/identity, fair use and protection of personal data and digital rights (Digital Agenda). Digital transformation, transparency, ICT environments and platforms, participatory and collaborative/sharing processes and renewal of PAs inclusive communication.

Class topics:

  • Origins and evolution of Public Communication and 150/2000 Law, and the updating debate on the Law.
  • An overview of the PA legislation reform process, in relation with communication and digital transformation
  • The public message, the communication strategy and plan
  • Language/s, simplification and friendliness, listening culture, transparency
  • Press Office, Relations to the Citizens Office, Spokeperson’s Office
  • The different professional profile in the specific areas of public communication
  • Ethics of public communication and professional ethics 
  • Public procurement new skills and relationships with professionals on the cross-media communication market
  • The editorial plan of a public multichannel website/portal and the user centred experience
  • Public information and communication campaigns in the new digital media scenario
  • The main rules and laws of digital administration (e-government) and the new digital citizenship
  • Enabling technologies, social platforms and digital echosystems, participatory and collaborative tools
  • New model of codesign of services (on line and physical ones) and the PAs as listening organization
  • Open government culture, the digital agendas (EU, national, regional, local ones), e-inclusion, the digital divides and the gender gaps
  • Digital rights, data sovereignty, personal and public data value in dealing with global extractive/exploiting platforms and public communication; eu corpus of rules for digital transormation
  • Communication skills and new digital professions


L. Guidi (a cura di), Comunicazione, tecnologie e media sociali, dispensa http://campus.unibo.it/id/eprint/338149

A.Rovinetti, Comunicazione pubblica. Sapere & fare, Milano. Edizioni 24ore, 2010 (primi 5 capitoli)

G.Ducci, Relazionalità consapevole.La comunicazione pubblica nella società connessa. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017

Per eventuali approfondimenti:

A.Laudani, Percorsi di comunicazione pubblica, Amministrare e comunicare, Aras Edizioni, 2015

A.Lovari, Networked citizens. Comunicazione pubblica e amministrazioni digitali, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013

A.Lovari, M. Masini (a cura di), Comunicazione pubblica 2.0. Tecnologie, linguaggi, formati, Franco Angeli, 2008

A. Rovinetti, Professione: comunicatore pubblico, Amministrare e comunicare, Aras Edizioni, 2014

Bartoletti R., Faccioli F. (2015) (a cura di). Comunicazione e civic engagement. Media, spazi pubblici e nuovi processi di partecipazione. Franco Angeli, Milano (un contributo a scelta all'interno del volume).

D. Vellutino, L'italiano istituzionale per la comunicazione pubblica, Collana "Itinerari", Il Mulino, 2018

S. Rolando, Comunicazione pubblica come teatro civile. Governare la spiegazione. Una riforma importante nella pandemia e dopo, Editoriale Scientifica, 2021

F. Marrazzo, Fare comunicazione pubblica in tempo di crisi, dalla svolta digitale alla dimensione strategica, libreriauniversitaria.it edizioni, 2022

G.Iacono, Le sfide della società onlife. I rischi della rivoluzione digitale e le competenze indispensabili per affrontarla, Franco Angeli, 2023

Teaching methods

Lectures and case analysis, with classroom discussion supported by presentations, videos and internet sites and platforms.

Assessment methods

The end of course exam aims to assess the achievements of the didactic objectives:

  • Identification of the main characteristics and and objectives of public communication
  • New professional profiles and their specificities
  • Technological tools, multichannel and face to face environments and services to interact and dialogue with citizens, businesses and associations
  • Digital and cross-media environments, ICT convergence tools for communication, new media and 2.0 networking model
  • New rights in the digital infosphere
  • Digital public administrations and e-government services/processes
  • European, national, regional, local Digital Agendas
  • Evolution, open issues, opportunities and perspectives of communicationi within the PAs

The final examination consists of

For non-attending students: a written work with open questions on the books/papers indicated in the bibliography for the exam, in addition to the paper available on the platform

For students who have attended at least four-fifths (4/5) of the lessons, it is possible to take the exam with the presentation of a paper on an agreed theme/topic, coherent with the course programme. The option of presenting a thesis is allowed only in those exams scheduled by June 2023. In the other exam sessions it is only possible to take a written test with open questions on the books/papers indicated in the bibliography and on the online paper.

International students: written exam (or essay on a topic of your choice agrred with me, coherent with the programme) in English, French or Spanish.

Teaching tools

Slides presentations, videos and websites/platforms; bibliography, papers, articles and sitography references.

Office hours

See the website of Leda Guidi


Gender equality Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.