- Docente: Cristiana De Santis
- Credits: 4
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)
from Oct 14, 2024 to Nov 20, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student: - shows an articulated vision of the cultural significance of "Educazione linguistica" with reference to the theories developed in recent decades and in relation to the Ministerial 'Indications' concerning Preschool and Primary School; - possesses pedagogical-didactic skills to manage the progression of learning in Italian as L1 and L2, adapting the timing and modalities to the level of the different students; - can specify the most suitable educational strategies to use and expand, in a differentiated way, the skills related to the use of oral and written language in different age groups; - can activate, with the appropriate methodological choices, an active attitude of metalinguistic reflection and research of the most suitable means of communication to meet their communication needs.
Course contents
Starting from a reflection on the linguistic skills and habits of students, the course aims to outline an overview of the principles and characteristics of the teaching of Italian in primary school, aiming to the acquisition by girls and boys of both an articulated linguistic competence and an active attitude of reflection and research of the most suitable means of communication.
Particular attention will be paid to the teaching strategies to be adopted to encourage the learning of the written language, the expansion of vocabulary and the development of metalinguistic competence, in line with the "Indicazioni nazionali" (MIUR, 2012).
D. Bertocchi, G. Ravizza, L. Rovida - Metodi e strumenti per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento dell'italiano EdiSES, 2014, pp. 1-167.
L.A. Teruggi e E. Farina (eds.), L'alfabetizzazione nella scuola dell'infanzia, Carocci, 2022, pp. 89-135.
C. Andorno, S. Sordella, Insegnare italiano nella classe plurilingue, in Insegnare e apprendere italiano nella scuola dell'infanzia e primaria , a c. di E. Ardissino, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 113-140.
4. G. Favata, Studi acquisizionali e didattica dell'italiano L2, in Insegnare italiano nella scuola secondaria, a c. di E. Ardissino, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, pp. 270-285.
Teaching methods
Lectures and practicing (in ITALIAN).
INCOMING STUDENTS must be fluent in Italian. They can agree with the teacher any modification required to the syllabus.
Assessment methods
Interview in Italian Language (15/20 min.)
Please enroll on the Almaesami Platform.
Criteria for assessing the grade (in a 30-point scale, from 18 to 30L) include both correctness of the answers and formal accuracy.
Before the final exam students should have to attend one of the workshops linked to the course contents. For international students only: the attendance to the workshops is replaced by a short essay.
The positive outcome of all the parts of the exam is an indispensable condition for recording the final score, which will be the average of all the marks obtained in the individual parts.
Teaching tools
Lessons' slides and other materials are available on virtuale.unibo.it platform
Office hours
See the website of Cristiana De Santis

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.