- Docente: Pietro Manzini
- Credits: 6
- SSD: IUS/14
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Legal Studies (cod. 9062)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in European Studies (cod. 5983)
from Feb 27, 2025 to Apr 16, 2025
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course unit, students: - possess an in-depth knowledge about the supranational regulation on competition between undertakings, also with regard to state aid, and the implementation of those norms at the European and national level, with a focus on the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union; - are capable – thanks to the analytical skills developed when dealing with practical cases – to resolve complex issues concerning EU antitrust law, even where those norms are to be applied to cases involving different Member States or outside the EU itself.
Course contents
At the beginning of the course a detailed Syllabus will be circulated. The general content of the course is the following: -
1. Antitrust: law and economics, behavioral economics. -
2: Horizontal restraints: cartels, algorithmic collusion and proof of the infringement -
3. Vertical restraints: free riding issues, exemption form the general prohibition , on-line commerce
4. Abuse of dominant position: market power, exploitative abuses and exclusionary abuses -
5. The digital market Act (DMA): abuses of the digital platforms
6. Enforcing antitrust: fines, damages, procedure and protection of right of defense.
7. Related issues: antitrust and privacy
Students attending the classes may prepare the exam making reference to the materials that will be circulated and to their notes. Considering the characteristics of the course, attendance is highly recommended.
Students not attending the classes may prepare the exam on R. WHISH, D. BAILEY, Competition Law, Oxford, 2021, 10th Ed, Chapters 1 - 8, 13-18.
Teaching methods
Professor will present the different issues with reference to the relevant legal and economic analysis. For each issue the related case-law will be circulated and students are requested to read it previously and to discussed it in class.
Assessment methods
In the first assessment session (normally at the end of May), the examination is written (multiple-choice questions).
Since this written examination will be based on the main subjects of the lessons, it is open only to the students that have regularly attended the course. Students that did not attend the course may take an oral exam.
In the other sessions (June, July and September) the exam is oral for all students.
Teaching tools
Student attending the class will be required to actively participate in the analysis of the case law of the EU courts.
Office hours
See the website of Pietro Manzini