- Docente: Sandra Costa
- Credits: 6
- SSD: L-ART/04
- Language: French
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Visual Arts (cod. 9071)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Oct 23, 2024
Learning outcomes
Students acquire knowledge of the theory and history of public and private collecting; they do so examining in depth the specific problems related to museology and to the relationship between museums and their diversified public; they develop useful skills to understand museum realities; they are able to recognise and analyse the evolution of display theories and the social and cultural role of museums. In particular, they become acquainted with the needs of museological and museographic planning with respect to the public’s fruition; they are able to use research and investigation tools in the field of museology and art mediation (interpretation); thanks to their experience in participatory and laboratory teaching approaches, they acquire transversal expertise as well as individual and teamwork skills.
Course contents
The 30-hour course takes place in the first semester (6 CFU).
The object of study of the lectures is the history and international management of art collections, with reference to the transformation of organisational criteria, architectural forms and choices of conservation and presentation of collections.
During the 2024-2025 academic year, the seminar activity, through case studies, aims to explore in greater depth - with the active participation of students - aspects linked to the changing relationship between collections and the public.
During the 2024-2025 academic year, additional in-depth activities are also planned:
- A workshop (open to students enrolled in the Museums and Museology Unit) on ‘Recupero e valorizzazione delle collezioni, dei contesti e delle memorie’; on 20 and 21 September 2024, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, in collaboration with the Museology of Contemporary Age course.
- A seminar (in French) on the relationship between museology and architectural design in the context of temporary exhibitions.
- A seminar (in English) on virtual reality for museums.
By the end of the course, students will have acquired theoretical and historical knowledge of the protection, conservation and management of the historical and artistic heritage, and will have explored in greater depth in space and time the specific critical issues linked to the practice of collecting.
Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is suggested that they get in touch as soon as possible with the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) and with the lecturer in order to seek together the most effective strategies for following the lessons and/or preparing for the examination.
Two texts from section I and one text from section II are required for the examination. Students who have not taken the course should complete their preparation with a text from section III.
Section I:
K. Pomian, Le Musée, une histoire mondiale, vol.1, Paris, Gallimard, 2020.
K. Pomian, Le Musée, une histoire mondiale, vol.2, Paris, Gallimard, 2021.
D. Poulot, Museums in Europe, Paris, La documentation Française, 2020.
Section II: Further study/Seminar
F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000.
D. Poulot, Museums in Europe, Paris, La documentation Française, 2020.
* or other bibliographical material useful for the seminar activity and selected in agreement with the teacher.
Section III
A. Desvallées, F. Mairesse (ed), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de muséologie, Paris, Colin, 2011.
D. Poulot, Musées en Europe, Paris, La documentation française, 2020.
K. Pomian, Le Musée une Histoire Mondiale, vol. 3, Paris, Gallimard, 2022.
Teaching methods
Lectures and seminar activities
In addition to lectures and possible field trips to exhibitions, museums, galleries or monumental complexes, there will also be meetings with professionals involved in the conservation and enhancement of historical and artistic heritage.
Limited places for incoming exchange students :
Places on this course for incoming exchange students are limited and are mainly reserved for students enrolled on art-related programmes at their home university. To check the availability of places, please write to amac@unibo.it
Assessment methods
The examination consists of an interview designed to assess the specific knowledge acquired by the student. The student will be expected to demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of the course topics and the bibliography indicated in the programme. Critical thinking skills will also be assessed.
1. The examination in which the student demonstrates the ability to analyse questions and texts accurately and to fit them into an organic vision of the themes covered in the course will be assessed with marks of excellence. Mastery of the subject vocabulary used in the oral will also be fundamental.
2. Knowledge centred on simple memorisation, the ability to analyse questions and texts in little depth and using correct but not always appropriate language, will lead to moderately satisfactory assessments.
3. Approximate knowledge, superficial understanding and poor analytical and expressive skills will lead to assessments that are barely more than adequate.
4. Shortcomings in learning, expression and mastery of the bibliography can only be assessed negatively.
Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is necessary to contact the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) with ample time in advance: the office will propose some adjustments, which must in any case be submitted 15 days in advance to the lecturer, who will assess the appropriateness of these in relation to the teaching objectives.
Teaching tools
The lectures are supplemented by PowerPoint, videos and digital aids.
Office hours
See the website of Sandra Costa
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.