84690 - Labour Law (Applied)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Neurophysiopathology techniques (cod. 8482)

Learning outcomes

He knows the regulation of Labor Law with particular regard to the CCNLL Healthcare.

Course contents

During the course the following topics will be examined in public and private:

Labor Relations

Collective conflict

Classification, qualifications, Job duties

Causes of suspension of the employment relationship

Obligations of the employee and powers of the employer

Types of employment relationship

Concrete cases


For exam preparation are recommended , alternatively (limited to the parts shown in class ) :

- Diritto del lavoro, Diritto sindacale e Il rapporto di lavoro, Autori: Carinci Franco, De Luca Tamajo Raffaele, Tosi Paolo, Treu Tiziano, UTET, most recent edition.

- Fondamenti di diritto del lavoro, Autori: Persiani Mattia, Liebman Stefano, Marazza Marco, Martone Michel, Del Conte Maurizio, Ferrari Paola, Maio Valerio, CEDAM,most recent edition.

- Elementi di diritto del lavoro, Autori: Chiaromonte W.,Monaco M.P.,Vallauri M.L, Giappichelli, 2023

- Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, Autore: Pessi Roberto, Giappichelli, most recent edition.

The materials will be reported directly to the lesson. University applications (Virtuale- Teams) will be used.

Teaching methods

The course will take place through lectures that will cover all the thematic areas referred to under the heading Programs / contents, with particular attention to concrete cases and taking into consideration the contribution of attending students on the themes themselves.

Assessment methods

The exam will take place in oral form.

The interview will focus on the topics indicated in the "Program and contents" section.

For the purposes of the evaluation, consideration will be given to the knowledge of the subjects, the expository capacity and the connection between the different topics, as well as the active participation in the lessons.

In particular:

- preparation on a very limited number of topics dealt with in the course and analysis skills that emerges only with the help of the teacher, expression in the overall correct language: 18-19

- preparazione su un numero limitato di argomenti affrontati nel corso e capacità di analisi autonoma solo su questioni puramente esecutive, espressione in linguaggio corretto: 20-24

- preparation on a wide number of topics covered in the course, ability to make independent choices of critical analysis, mastery of specific terminology: 25-29;

- basically exhaustive preparation on the topics covered in the course, ability to make independent choices of critical analysis and connection, full mastery of specific terminology and ability to argue and self-reflection: 30-30L.


Students who for reasons related to disability or specific learning disabilities (DSA) need compensatory or alternative tools will be able to communicate their needs to the Teacher in order to agree on the adoption of the most appropriate measures.

Teaching tools

In support of the teaching, the platform can be used

- VIRTUALE.UNIBO for materials used during lessons

- TEAMS for distance learning

Office hours

See the website of Monica Navilli


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