- Docente: Gloria Caminati
- Credits: 2
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)
from May 12, 2025 to Jun 19, 2025
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student has knowledge of the epidemiological aspects, methodologies and intervention models for health promotion, health education to the individual and the community.
Course contents
1. Health as a dynamic, individual, multidimensional and social process in the current demographic, social, legislative and health policy scenarios (in particular in light of Ministerial Decree 77 of 2022).
2. The determinants of health.
3. Culture, health and well-being.
4. Health Literacy.
5. Organization of local care: the network of services, continuity of care and socio-health integration.
6. Multidimensional assessment for geriatrics and people with disabilities.
7. Disability and frailty: essential contents and seminar with patient expert/trainer Jonny Vicchi.
- Ferraresi. R. Gaiani. M. Manfredini. Educazione terapeutica. Carocci Faber, 2004
- Marmot M, La salute disuguale. Il pensiero scientifico, 2016
- Mortari l., Filosofia della cura, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2015
- J.F.d’Ivernois. R.Gagnayre. Educare il paziente. Un approccio pedagogico. Mc Graw-Hill, 2004
- Scalorbi, Longobucco, Trentin. Infermieristica preventiva, di famiglia e di comunità, Mc Graw-Hill, 2022
Teaching methods
The teaching methodology used will be of an interactive frontal type. There will also be group work, roll-playing, discussion of clinical cases, reflective writing on watching films, stories of illness and on poetic texts.
Assessment methods
The final examination will be agreed with the teachers of 'teaching of Community Nursing which includes the modules: Clinical nursing and rehabilitation in the chronicity and evidence applied to nursing practice.
The aim of the examination is to test the level of achievement of the previously mentioned educational goals. The test is intended to evaluate the understanding of the basic arguments. The exam consists of a written test with multiple choice questions and open questions.
Teaching tools
They will be used pc and projector.
Office hours
See the website of Gloria Caminati

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.