72606 - Social Psychology and Deviance

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Criminology for Investigation and Security (cod. 8491)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to discuss the main theories of social psychology and psychology of deviance

Course contents

Course participants will be able to identify key issues in social psychology and psychology of deviance:

The memory

Eyewitness testimony.

Cognitive interview.


Lie detection.

Interrogation techniques.

Mental disorders.




Stereotype, prejudice and "hate crimes"

Violence in Italy

Social psychology of aggression and deviance

Reaserch methodology in social psychology

Psychological autopsy and criminal profiling

Prevention and protective factors of crime and deviance
Fear of crime e sense of safety in communities

Violence risk assessment


-Caso, L., & Palena, N. (2022). Interrogare: Metodi e strategie per la raccolta delle informazioni e la valutazione della credibilità. Il Mulino.

-Caso L. & Vrij A. (2009). L'interrogatorio giudiziario e l'intervista investigativa. Bologna: il Mulino.

-Chiara Simonelli, Filippo Petruccelli, Veronica Vizzari (2014). Le perversioni sessuali. Aspetti clinici e giuridici del comportamento sessuale deviante. Franco Angeli (solo la parte I).

-Andrews, D. A.; Bonta, James (2017). The Psychology of Criminal Conduct. Routledge.

-Georgia Zara (2016). Valutare il rischio in ambito criminologico. Procedure e strumenti per l'assessment psicologico. Mulino.

-De Leo G., Scali M., Caso L. (2005). La testimonianza. Problemi, metodi e strumenti nella valutazione dei testimoni. Bologna: il Mulino (in alternativa il libro "La memoria del testimone. La tecnica dell’intervista cognitiva con l’adulto e il minore. Aspetti giuridici, teorici e pratici" di Antonio D'Ambrosio pubblicato con la Franco Angeli).

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons.

Assessment methods

Written exam with open and multiple choice questions.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools used for lectures: video projector, PC, overhead projector.

Office hours

See the website of Gabriele Prati


Sustainable cities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.