39337 - Public Law & Healthcare Systems Management

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student knows, as far as its competence, related to the legal configuration of the State, the system of normative sources, the constitutional and administrative organization of the State and public bodies, citizens' rights, and the judicial system.

Course contents

 Institutions of public law Module.

The teaching shall cover:

Health protection in italian and european law

Allocation of competences after the Reform of Title V of italian Constitution

National Health Service and its regulatory changes

The organization of public health

Health benefits and LEA

The right of access in the health sector

Health programming and planning

Health professions

The responsibility in the health sector



Giampiero Cilione, Diritto sanitario, Maggioli editore, last edition.

Teaching methods

The course is structured in lessons.

The teaching method used in the course aims at the student's personal and active involvement.

Assessment methods

The exam is a written exam and it is structured in three modules.

The Module of Public Law Institutions and Healthcare Organization consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions.The time available is 10 minutes.

Each exact answer to multiple-choice questions is worth 1 point, while any wrong answer is worth 0 points. To pass the exam, it is necessary to answer correctly to 6 multiple-choice questions out of 10.

For the modules of Introduction to Nursing research and Organizational and management models of assistance, reference is made to the web guides of the individual reference teachers.

The final mark is computed as the simple average of the three marks obtained for Module of Public law institutions and healthcare organization, Module of Introduction to nursing research and Module of Assistance organizational and management models, and it is expressed out of 30 points according to the following graduation:

  • <18, fail;
  • 18-23, sufficient;
  • 24-27, good;
  • 28-30, very good;
  • 30 with laude, excellent.

Being a CI, the exam is considered passed only by achieving the sufficiency in each module in the same exam.

The use of supporting material such as textbooks, personal notes or electronic devices is not allowed during the exam

All students have to register through AlmaEsami.

Teaching tools

PowerPoints Presentations and slides.

Office hours

See the website of Anna Cicchetti


No poverty Good health and well-being Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.