B5754 - Elementi di pedagogia, storia della scuola e docimologia modulo 2: fondamenti di storia della scuola e delle istituzioni educative

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

From DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS August 4, 2023 Definition of the university and academic pathway of initial training of secondary school teachers in the first and second grade, for the purpose of meeting the objectives of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. (23A05274) (OJ General Series No. 224 of 25-09-2023) [https://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/gu/2023/09/25/224/sg/pdf] presented here is the part related to

School and educational institutions history in Italy and Europe

For the achievement of 30 CFU

Module title: Fundamentals of History of Schools and Educational Institutions (1 CFU)


1.To know and understand the salient stages of the history of school and educational institutions in Italy and Europe.

For the achievement of 60 CFU

Module title: Aspects and issues in the history of schools and educational institutions (2 CFU)


1.To know and understand the salient stages of the history of school and educational institutions in Italy and Europe (1 CFU)

2.To know and understand the historical evolution of teaching professionalism in schools in Italy and Europe (1 CFU)

At the end of the course the student:

- knows the main lines of development of the Italian school system from Unification to the present day

- knows and understands the salient phases of the history of the teaching profession, with particular regard to initial and in-service training, career mobility, associationism, and the practical tools of the profession;

- knows and understands the historical dimension of the tools of teaching such as school manuals, schoolchild outillage, and classroom discipline management;

- understands the historical dimension of the content and tools of disciplines taught in school.

Course contents

Why and when was school born? Who invented the classroom, the desk, and the textbook? Why are there posters hanging on the wall?

Who was and is the teacher today? How has the teaching profession been historically constructed?

We aim to promote knowledge of the genesis and development of the school as a complex institution consisting of spaces, time, teaching tools, material culture, subjects, teachers, in order to offer elements for a historical-critical reflection that will make teachers more aware of the transformations that have occurred and that have defined the profile of the current Italian school.

The essential coordinates of the evolution of the Italian school system from the Unification of Italy to the present day will be indicated in its legislative, institutional, cultural and pedagogical-didactic aspects, with attention to curricula, teaching subjects, textbooks and school materiality.

A common thread will be the historical-critical analysis of the evolution of teaching professionalism, including women (initial and in-progress training, identity and social mobility, associationism and political participation).


Specific bibliographical recommendations will be given on the Virtual.

As a general framework, we recommend, but not compulsory, the volume by S. Santamaita, Storia della scuola. Dalla scuola al sistema formativo, introd. by R. Laporta, Milan-Turin, Pearson, 2021.

Teaching methods

The teaching method involves frontal lectures, in Italian, aimed at promoting student participation.

Power points and films will be used.

Assessment methods

Admission to the course will be given on the basis of ascertaining the minimum percentage of attendance and the delivery of any exercises requested during the course. The assessment of learning of the teaching content is concurrent with the final test for the acquisition of the teaching qualification in the competition class of the training course, envisaged by Art. 9 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023.

Teaching tools

Power points, movies, reading texts.

Office hours

See the website of Mirella D'Ascenzo