- Docente: Sara Valentini
- Credits: 2
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8473)
from Oct 11, 2023 to Dec 20, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the module, the student will correlate various clinical-assistive knowledge to recognize critical indicators in different operational contexts of emergency care. The student will understand and apply appropriate interventions based on organization, standards, and protocols/procedures shared by the scientific community. The student will identify, plan, and evaluate care interventions and collaborate with other healthcare professionals in diagnostic- therapeutic pathways.
Course contents
• Define the fundamental concepts of nursing care in critical areas.
• Define different sectors of intensive/critical care.
• Monitoring in critical care and the use of various assessment scales.
• Organization of Emergency/Urgent healthcare in Italy and various pre-hospital rescue systems.
• Nursing care in the Emergency room, in various types of Intensive Care Units, and in the pre-hospital rescue settings.
• Nursing care for ventilated patients, patients with polytrauma, patients with organ transplants, and various monitoring types.
• Discussing the relationship/communication of the critical person and the concept of caring for the individual and the family.
• Introduction to palliative care in intensive care: how, when, and why.
P. Badon, G.D. Giusti, Assistenza infermieristica in area critica e in emergenza. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2022
Chiaranda M., Urgenze ed emergenze V edizione. Piccin, 2022.
Marchetti R. et al., Lavorare in area critica. Carrocci Faber, 2006.
Kette F, Schiraldi F., Emogasanalisi, fluidi ed elettroliti. Italian Resuscitation Council, 2008.
Martindale J.L., Brown D.F.M., Guida illustrata all'interpretazione dell'ECG. Piccin, 2018.
Menarini M., Emergenze extraospedaliere, Gestione delle vie aeree. Edizioni Minerva
Medica, 2007.
Peruzzi s. a cura di, AACN Manuale di Area Critica. McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Sanson G. et al, PreHospital Trauma Care. Italian Resuscitation Council, 2007.
Sasso L. et al., Infermieristica in area critica. McGraw-Hill, 2012.
L.J. Carpenito, “Piani di Assistenza Infermieristica e Documentazione”, CEA, 2011
M.G. Balzanelli, A. Gullo, "Manuale di Medicina di Emergenza e Pronto Soccorso - III
edizione", CIC Edizioni Internazionali, 2011
J.A. Proehl, “Procedure di Emergenza”, McGraw-Hill, 2004
P.L. Marino, “Terapia Intensiva - Principi Fondamentali”, Masson, 2004
P. Potestà, Elettrocardiografia clinica, Verduci Editore, 2013
Teaching methods
Frontal and interactive lectures with the discussion of clinical cases.
Laboratory/seminar activities conducted in groups on various nursing practices in different emergency and urgent care settings.
Assessment methods
The evaluation will be an oral exam on the topics covered in the program, aiming to assess the student's knowledge in critical care nursing.
Teaching tools
PowerPoint presentations on various topics.
Evaluation of devices and tools used in critical care nursing.
Office hours
See the website of Sara Valentini