87699 - Literature and Philology of modern and contemporary (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, successful students know Literature and Philology of modern and contemporary Italian texts, through the reading and analysis of exemplary case studies.

Course contents

In order to attend the course successfully, students must have taken an examination in Italian Philology (L FIL LET 13) or Romance Philology (L FIL LET 09) during the three-year course. Those who do not have these credits, will take, before the exam, a written propaedeutic test, to be prepared on the textbook by Pasquale Stoppelli, Filologia della Letteratura Italiana, nuova edizione, Roma, Carocci, 2019

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5:

2. Manuscript philology

3. The unitestimonial edition

4. The Lachmann method

5. Limits of Lachmann's method

The course aims to prepare the master student, who has already taken the institutional exams of Italian Literature, Contemporary Italian Literature and has basic notions of Italian Philology, for a deep study of the modern manuscript ('700-'900). After an general introduction to Authorial philology (www.filologiadautore.it), dedicated to illustrating the branch of philology dealing with author's variants, case studies from the eighteenth to the twentieth century (Alfieri, Leopardi, Manzoni, Montale, Gadda, Bassani), methods and techniques of reading, transcription and representation of the modern manuscript, both in prose and poetry, will be presented through case studies from the eighteenth to the twentieth century (Alfieri, Leopardi, Manzoni, Montale, Gadda, Bassani), addressing all the elements of the critical edition: text, apparatus, alternative variants, genetic variants, phases, notes. A large part of the course will be devoted to modern techniques of reproduction and digital edition and their impact on the interpretation and study of the autograph and its variants (compositional stratigraphy, diachronic representation, series of correction) and on the constitution of the text. At the end of the course the student will carry out an exercise consisting in the transcription and edition of a modern manuscript, taken from one of the case studies analyzed during the course.

TOPICS1. Introduction: The modern manuscript; 2-3: How to read; 4. How to transcribe: the text; 5. How to transcribe: the error; 6. How to transcribe: the correction; 7. How to represent: the apparatus; 8. How to represent: the alternative variants; 9. How to represent: the genetic variants; 10. How to represent: the correction phases; 11. How to represent: the bifurcations; 12. How to represent: the apostille; 13. How is it published: the paper critical edition; 14. How is it published: the digital critical edition; 15. Manuscripts and new technologies.





P. Italia-Giulia Raboni, Che cos'è la filologia d'autore, Roma, Carocci, 2020 (X ed.).

P. Italia, Come lavorava Gadda, Roma, Carocci, 2017.

P. Italia, Editing Novecento, Roma, Salerno, 2013, capp. 1 e 2 (pp. 13-137 PDF in VIRTUALE).

P. Italia, Il testimone anfibio. Il dattiloscritto tra tradizione manoscritta e tradizione a stampa, in “La tradizione dei Testi, Atti del Convegno, Cortona, 21-23 settembre 2017, a cura di Claudio Ciociola e Claudio Vela, Firenze, SFLI, 2018, pp. 253-74 (PDF IN VIRTUALE).

M. Maniaci, Breve storia del libro manoscritto, Roma Carocci, 2019, cap. V (Il manoscritto nel Terzo Millennio), pp. 107-123 (PDF in VIRTUALE). 


Gli orizzonti dell'Ecdotica, Roma, Carocci, 2022.



As active participation in the course will be an integral part of the assessment, non-attending students are asked to contact the teacher to arrange a personalized programme.

Teaching methods

The course consists of lectures with slides and teaching materials shared in VIRTUAL, and exercises that students can also carry out on digital media (Mentimeter).

Assessment methods

At the end of the course the student will have to write a thesis consisting of a critical edition of a manuscript text of his/her choice among those proposed in class, to be sent at least 15 days before the date on which he/she wants to take the exam. The exam will consist of an oral discussion of the thesis and the topics covered during the course. The final grade will be the average between the grade obtained in the thesis and that of the oral exam (in the case of an intermediate grade, the approximation will be by excess; e.g.: 26.5 > 27).

Reaching a clear view of all the course topics as well as using a correct language terminology will be valued with maximum rankings. Mnemonic knowledge of the course topics or not completely appropriate terminology will be valued with intermediate rankings. Unknown topics or inappropriate terminology use will be valued, depending on the seriousness of the omissions, with minimal or insufficient rankings.

Teaching tools

PhP projection; sharing in TEAMS, IOL digital platform, lesson video-recording in STREAM.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Paola Maria Carmela Italia


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