- Docente: Rosa Bernardini Papalia
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SECS-S/03
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Local and Global Development (cod. 9200)
Learning outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge concerning basic statistical techniques, main statistical inference techniques and basic sampling theory. Such knowledge is applied to problems arising from the analysis of economic development e growth, analysis of income, productivity, consumption and labour market. More in detail, the student will be able to : interpreting reports and casa studies produced by international agencies and research institutions, public and private boards working on cooperation projects; carrying out the statistical analysis requested to prepare reports on specific problems and Countries; participating and contributing in the activities of technical teams analysing real problems.
Course contents
The course is organized in lectures and seminars, as detailed in the following program.
Lectures (16 hours) aim to introduce students to the core tenets of the discipline.
Seminars (24 hours) aim to provide occasions for in-depth discussions of class materials and exercises.
Students are required to carefully read the assigned material before the session and - in the case of seminars - active participation through presentations of existing scholarship and case studies will also be expected.Basic knowledge requested: basic descriptive statistics and inference (see recommended readings in the section Testi)
PROGRAM FOR LECTURES (16 hours in remote on MS TEAMS)
I Principles and methods of measurement and statistical analysis
- Correlation analysis.
- Dependence analysis, regression analysis: specification of the model and tests; Estimation (Ordinary least squares), estimation properties, tests.
- Measuring and analysing welfare, poverty and income inequality.
PROGRAM FOR SEMINARS (24 hours in classroom or remotely on MS TEAMS)
II. Measuring and analysing specific phenomena (chosen from):
- More about measuring and analysing welfare, poverty and income inequality.
- Measuring and analysing production, productivity and human capital.
Extra material will be provided by the teacher.Teaching material available on the web.
Reference distribution list: rossella.bernardini.sleg
References to basic knowledge:
S. Borra, A. Di Ciaccio, Statistica, metodologie per le scienze economiche e sociali capitoli 1; 2; 4.1-4.4;4.7;4.8;5.1-5.4;6.1-6.5. Mc Graw-Hill. (oppure A. Di Ciaccio, S. Borra, Introduzione alla statistica descrittiva, Mc Graw - Hill).
Teaching methods
In the first part lectures (ex-catedra) concerns probability, statistical inference and sampling methods; in the second one the topics are presented also showing case studies and carrying out seminars.
Assessment methods
Written exam
The final examination is in the form of a written test consisting of 2 exercises and 2 both theoretical and empirical questions; exam time: 50 minutes; it is not allowed to consult books or class notes.
During the final test, each candidate will be asked to show a document with a picture.
For students attending the course
A group work is planned for a topic that focuses on some of the content of the course (the material is partly provided by the teacher).
The group work: (max 6 students) involves the classroom presentation by the end of the course (15-30 minutes). Group work evaluation can lead to an increase in the final evaluation from 0 to a maximum of 3 points.
Written intermediate exam if required by the students attending the course. In this case, the results obtained in the first partial test will only contribute to the final evaluation if the student completes the second partial test in the first planned written text.
Teaching tools
Slides and teaching materials - exercises and examples - concerning lectures are prepared by the teacher and available on line (via Reference distribution list).
Topics are presented using pc and video-projector.
Office hours
See the website of Rosa Bernardini Papalia

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.