- Docente: Sara Donini
- Credits: 3
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5726)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and Skills to be achieved
At the end of the laboratory the students will be able to: work independently applying the techniques learnt to pursue their own objectives or within projects designed by institutions; discuss with other people how to use and document the techniques studied; apply the specific knowledge acquired to different types of services; evaluate limits and qualities of the technical instruments learnt ; transfer the technical knowledge gained to different contexts and integrate it with personal changes and additions. Programme/ Contents
As it is by now well known, the Mafias are not just a criminal phenomenon, but they are above all a cultural pedagogical agent. In other words they ensure their existence and future by proposing a world where one grows up and “becomes Mafia”. They build a world suggesting a model of woman and man to aim for. In building their world, they create contexts where individuals are gradually deprived of the fundamental “capabilities” that open the doors to human, social, cultural and economic growth and development; they determine processes where individuals as well as principles of justice and equality are cancelled.
For these reasons social pedagogic work, the struggle against poverty and early school leaving, promotion of social reintegration initiatives for victims of sexual or work-related trafficking, reintegration into the labour market of former inmates, the offer of spaces for the social inclusion of migrants are the routes to follow to return as rights what the Mafias give as favours. Promoting social justice, building for and not just against are the main aims of many organizations engaged in the struggle against the Mafias.
The methodology of street work will be studied in depth, as a useful tool to defend people's rights and counter the influence of the mafias but also analyzing the relationship that exists between the methodology of a national project such as "Free to choose" aimed at the children of families mafia and the outreach methodology.
social experiences already promoted and carried out, that gave particular attention to the skills required for educators as they play a relevant role in these areas of intervention.
Course contents
Programme/ Contents
As it is by now well known, the Mafias are not just a criminal phenomenon, but they are above all a cultural pedagogical agent. In other words they ensure their existence and future by proposing a world where one grows up and “becomes Mafia”. They build a world suggesting a model of woman and man to aim for. In building their world, they create contexts where individuals are gradually deprived of the fundamental “capabilities” that open the doors to human, social, cultural and economic growth and development; they determine processes where individuals as well as principles of justice and equality are cancelled.
For these reasons social pedagogic work, the struggle against poverty and early school leaving, promotion of social reintegration initiatives for victims of sexual or work-related trafficking, reintegration into the labour market of former inmates, the offer of spaces for the social inclusion of migrants are the routes to follow to return as rights what the Mafias give as favours. Promoting social justice, building for and not just against are the main aims of many organizations engaged in the struggle against the Mafias.
The methodology of street work will be studied in depth, as a useful tool to defend people's rights and counter the influence of the mafias but also analyzing the relationship that exists between the methodology of a national project such as "Free to choose" aimed at the children of families mafia and the outreach methodology.
Social experiences already promoted and carried out, that gave particular attention to the skills required for educators as they play a relevant role in these areas of intervention.1
Mario Schermi, Elementi di pedagogia mafiosa in “Crescere alle mafie. Per una decostruzione della pedagogia mafiosa”, ed Franco Angeli, 2010, pp. 90 -141
Luigi Regogliosi, Educare contro le mafie, in “Crescere alle mafie. Per una decostruzione della pedagogia mafiosa”, ed Franco Angeli, 2010, pp.147/167
Roberto Di Bella con Monica Zappelli, Liberi di scegliere, ed. Mondadori 2019
Gagliardo M., Rispoli F. , Schermi M., Crescere il giusto, Gruppo Abele, Torino, 2012, p. 83
Tizian G., Rinnega tuo padre, Laterza, Bari, 2018
Will be sent by email:
.“PASSARE ALL’AGIRE SAPENDO COME FARE” di Leonardo Ferrante in CORRUZIONE SEPOLTA - Bologna tra dinamiche corruttive e strumenti di anticorruzione, Dossier di Libera Bologna e Libera Informazione, 2019, pp. 48-55
.“COME STA OGGI IL LAVORO DI STRADA?” di Lorenzo Camoletto, Stefano Bertoletti, Claudio Cippitelli in Animazione Sociale N.324, 2019, pp. 34-43
.“E’ DI NUOVO IL TEMPO DI ABITARE LA STRADA?” a cura di Francesco D’Angella, di Marco Battini, Andrea Bellini e Margherita Scarfiotti in Animazione Sociale N.326, 2019, pp. 29-35
. “L’UNIVERSITA’ DELLA STRADA” in PREPARATI ALL’INCERTEZZA a cura di Leopoldo Grosso ed Angela La Gioia, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 2019, pp. 8-14
. “Osservazioni sul tempo del Corinavirus” di Ezio Frinetti
“La Libera orchestra popolare di Marsala” presentata da Salvatore Inguì https://drive.google.com/file/d/17saqKQKdpZsdYsILxNp4AtiKQuwV5QJs/view
In the youtube channel of the educational sciences department:
“La pedagogia mafiosa e l’educazione civile” formazione di Michele Gagliardo al Dipartimento di Scienze dell’educazione dell’Università di Bologna 2019 link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYQ-CDK0tEU&t=500s
“Implicati sociali- il mestiere invisibile dell’operatore di strada” a cura del MELA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYcuYRoxTLg&feature=youtu.be
“La buona terra” intervista a Tiberio Bentivoglio, vittima del raket a cura del MELA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhB-A5AHywU
“Diritti e Costituzione: incontro con Gherardo Colombo” a cura del MELA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP3yLANLG54
In the “useful content” of the web page on the UNIBO site of Sara Donini
Listening to audio recordings: Interventi del convegno “I figli delle mafie : liberi di scegliere?” realizzato nel Campus di Rimini il 23 febbraio 2017
SITES: www.gruppoabele.org, www.libera.it, https://lavialibera.libera.it,
Teaching methods
Students will be able to deepen the topics covered during the workshop through testa, videos, audio, posta indicate in the bibliografia. In the classroom much space will Be given to the vision of stimulating video contributions for comparison, group work and sociologica, anthropological and pedagogica study of the topics covered.
Assessment methods
Students will be evaluated on the basis of the work done during the workshop and through their reflective reworking on the workshop path in written form that will Be carriera out in the last meeting.
Teaching tools
Students will be able to deepen the topics covered during the workshop through testa, videos, audio, posta indicate in the bibliografy
In the classroom mach space will be given to the vision of stimulating video contributions for comparison, group work and sociological, anthropologicaland pedagogical study of the topics covered.
Office hours
See the website of Sara Donini
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.