39341 - Nursing Internship 3 (FO)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8474)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the traineeship, the student is able to identify and satisfy the care needs of the person with high care complexity. He is able to establish effective interpersonal relationships in order to activate a helping relationship with the person / family. Integrate with your activities in the organization of the service by integrating with the multi-professional team respecting the deontological principles of the profession.

Course contents

Tirocinio presso le aree critiche, UO territoriali anche in ambito psichiatrico, aree mediche e chirurgiche. Partecipazione alle attività previste nell'Art 4 e 5 del regolamento di tirocinio.

Prerequisiti per l'ammissione all'esame:

- aver superato gli esami del 2° anno,

- il raggiungimento di 29 CFU pari a 870 ore: 24 CFU di frequenza nelle sedi di tirocinio e 5 CFU per attività correlate al tirocinio (art. 4 e 5 del regolamento di tirocinio)

- non aver superato tre sessioni di appello senza avere ricertificato le competenze ( regolamento di tirocinio)

- Il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di apprendimento clinico documentato dalle schede di valutazioni del tirocinio con valutazioni positive;

- la produzione di tre schede organizzative compilate nelle sedi di tirocinio

Lo studente dovrà esplicitare i contenuti applicativi delle seguenti norme:

- D.M. 739/94 - Legge 42/1999- Legge 251/2000 - Codice Deontologico 2019


R. F. Craven, C.J.Hirnle, S. Jensen '' Basic principles of nursing care '', fifth edition, CEA, 2013. Timby B.K., '' Fundamentals of nursing care, basic concepts and clinical skills '', McGraw-Hill, Milan, 2011. Albinelli P., Cottafavi K., Ferri P., '' The nurse between theory and practice '' athena, Modena, 2009. Brunner Suddarth '' Medical-surgical nursing '' CEA, 2017. L.J. Carpenito, Moyet '' Nursing Assistance and Documentation Plans '' Nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems '' CEA, 2011 Nanda-1 '' Nursing diagnosis: definitions and classification, 2012-2014 '' CEA, 2012. Nurse's Deontological Code, 2019. '' Anatomy - Competence - Nursing Responsibility '' IPASVI, Provincial Colleges of the Emilia Romagna Region, II edition 2011. Material provided by expert teachers.

Teaching methods

Clinical internship experience in three internship locations alongside clinical tutors / internship guides, nurses or nursing coordinators in critical, surgical, medical, territorial areas, mental health area Additional clinical and methodological tutoring activities

Assessment methods

The modalities of access to the internship examination are reported in the Internship Regulations.
The verification of the overall learning is carried out within the examination of Internship III, where are also considered: the in itinere and final evaluations expressed by the internship tutors of the locations involved regarding the achievement of the objectives set out in the assessment form.
The internship exam is usually held in attendance and is divided into a written test that must be passed in order to access the oral part:
a nursing care planning in written form starting from a prepared clinical case relating to the person with high care complexity;
-1 microcase with a short answer question on rules governing professional practice (code of ethics, DM 739/94, L.42/99, etc.).
-1 question on aspects of therapeutic education or health education (diet, physical activity, restrictions, lifestyle, ...).

una pianificazione dell'assistenza infermieristica in forma scritta partendo da un caso clinico predisposto relativo alla persona con alta complessità assistenziale;- 1 microcase with drug dosage calculation for adult and child
The student must use legible and understandable handwriting, without using unconventional acronyms and/or abbreviations.
Illustrate the scientific rationale of the procedures chosen among those that are the subject of the laboratory of the current year and previous years.

 - 1 microcase with drug dosage calculation for adult and child
The student must use legible and understandable handwriting, without using unconventional acronyms and/or abbreviations.
Illustrate the scientific rationale of the procedures chosen among those that are the subject of the laboratory of the current year and previous years.

If it is necessary to carry out the oral examination, the structure of the test may change; the evaluation criteria and the elements to be evaluated will be maintained.

Teaching tools

Documentation for care planning Company nursing procedures and laboratory teaching materials

Office hours

See the website of Sara Emiliani


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.