- Docente: Guglielmo Imbriaco
- Credits: 2
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8473)
Course contents
- Definition of the key-concept of "critical care"
- Characteristics of the intensive care units (structure, equipment, staffing)
- Monitoring in the intensive care unit
- Tools and evaluation scales in the critical care setting:
- Glasgow Coma Scale - GCS
- Richmond Agitation e Sedation Scale (RASS)
- Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS)
- Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT)
- Braden scale and risk assessment of pressure injuries
- Prehospital emergency medical systems: history, legislation, organization and future persepctives
- Patients’ care in the prehospital emergency setting:
- nursing algorithms (Emilia-Romagna region, 2016)
- ABCDE approach
- chest pain nursing management
- trauma
- cardiac arrest
- pain treatment in the prehospital environment
- Nursing care in the Emergency Department: Triage and fast-track pathways: stroke, trauma, and acute coronary syndromes
- Airway management, from basic to advances techniques: oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal cannulae, tracheal intubation, extra-glottic devices (laryngeal tube, laryngeal mask), tracheal introducers, optical laryngoscopes, fibroscopy and fiberoptic intubation
- Mechanical ventilation:
- pressure-control and volume-control, controlled and assisted modalities, materials and nursing management (pulmonary ventilators, circuits, tracheal suctioning, humidification systems)
- Non-invasive ventilation (NIV):
- modalities (CPAP and Bi-Level), devices (face masks, nasal masks, and helmet) and nursing management
- modalities (CPAP and Bi-Level), devices (face masks, nasal masks, and helmet) and nursing management
- Nursing for neurosurgical patients and traumatic brain injuries
- Intracranic pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure monitoring
- Drainages
- Vascular accesses in the emergency setting and in the intensive care unit:
- central venous catheters (CICC, FICC, PICC), rationale and management
- arterial catheters and invasive pressure monitoring
- Intraosseous access
- Patient care in the intensive care unit
- Interventional Patient Hygiene Model
- Body hygiene and skin care
- Eye care
- Oral care
- CRRT – continuous renal replacement therapy, indications, methods, materials and nursing management
- Patient’s centered care in the critical setting
- Characteristic of patients in the ICU setting: complications and preventive strategies
- Prevention of health care associated infections in the ICU setting
- Delirium in the critically ill patient
- Nutritional facts in the ICU
- ACBDE bundle
Office hours
See the website of Guglielmo Imbriaco

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