- Docente: Francesca Patrignani
- Credits: 4
- SSD: AGR/16
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Food Science and Technology (cod. 8531)
Learning outcomes
The students, at the end of this course, must have the skills to solve the microbiological problems of the food industry, from the evaluation of the raw material to the final food products, which must satisfy the law regulations. Moreover, the students must be able to solve microbiological problems connected with different industrial processes, such as thermal treatments, or to suggest the best microbial starters in food fermentation.
Course contents
The course will be based on theoretical and on laboratory teachings.
As for theoretical teachings, cases of study regarding the shelf-life and safety of food will be proposed. As regards the shelf-life, the main food spoilage microorganisms, in relation to the matrices considered and the chemical-physical factors characterizing the evaluated foods, will be taken into account. For safety, in relation to the considered matrices, the main foodborne pathogens such as
Moreover, also cases of study for the optimization of the microbial starters to be employed in food fermentation, in relation to the considered food, will be proposed.
For the laboratory teaching, the elements and methods for determining spoilage microorganisms and the search for pathogens in food will be provided. In addition, also the methodology for the set-up of experimental plans will be provided together with the elements for the elaboration of data obtained for predicting the food shelf-life
The students can use the material provided by the teacher of the course. All the materials will be up-loaded in IOL platform
Recommended Books:
Laboratorio didattico di Microbiologia. Vaughan A., Buzzini P., Clementi F. Zanichelli
Igiene degli alimenti. Schirone e Visciano Edagricole
Teaching methods
The course consists of 4 CFU dived in theoretical and lab teachings, organized at the microbiological labs of the Campus of Food Science in Cesena.
Seminars and Lectures hold by experts in the field of Food Microbiology will take place.
Moreover, if possible also guided visits will be organized in Food industries.
Assessment methods
The student's preparation will be verified through an oral exam.
The exam dates will be managed in the spantime suggested by the Course and the students can book themselfes by using the website Alma Esami https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm.
Teaching tools
The material discussed during the teachings will be available on
Office hours
See the website of Francesca Patrignani
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.