Innovative PhDs for organisations, co-funded by the NRRP

568 PhD scholarships tailored to your business needs.

Who can activate a PhD programme with the University

Any entity pursuing an economic activity, regardless of its legal status and funding arrangements, can activate and co-finance a PhD programme, contributing to the growth and development of its innovation potential. This includes companies, bodies, foundations, associations, local health boards, consortia, networks and associations of companies, professional associations, etc.

What you can work on

This opportunity is reserved not only for research and development in technology and production, but for all areas of a company: from management to human resources, from general legal aspects to brand protection, from administrative management to communication, and even to the development of new areas considered strategic for the company.

What are the advantages for companies

For your company, activating the PhD programme means:

  • cost-effective investment
    by sharing the costs of the PhD scholarship with the University;
  • competitive advantage
    because you can count on a unique and innovative perspective to develop a topic of your interest;
  • training of human potential in your specific field
    with a view to potential future employment;
  • strategic networking
    through collaboration with highly qualified university research groups.

Do you have a project or an area of interest you would like to work on?

We will put you in touch with the most suitable research group to jointly define a PhD project that best meets your needs.

Please fill out the online form as soon as possible indicating the area of interest and we will get back to you within 48 working hours. 

If you have already made contact with the research group, you can already fill in the letter of intent. 

The deadline for manifesting interest, by sending the letter of intent, has been extended to 28 July 2023.

We suggest making contact with the research group as soon as possible: departments may decide on an earlier deadline than 28 July, depending on the number of requests received.

Relevant documents

NRRP PhD scholarships

Published on: 18 May 2023


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