ICARO - Innovative qualifications for technological and organizational innovation in building sector






Unibo structure involved: Department of Architecture
Scientific manager: Simona Tondelli simona.tondelli@unibo.it

Action type: Dedicated VET Tools
Project reference: 597840-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-JQ

Start Date: 15/12/2018
End Date: 14/12/2020

Total: 370.545,00 €                 

Coordinator: Formedil Ente Nazionale Per La Formazione E L'addestramento Professionale Nell’Edilizia (It)

  • Viesoji Istaiga Vilniaus Statybininku Rengimo Centras (Lt)
  • Conseil Des Architectes D'europe (Be)
  • Fundacion Laboral De La Construccion Del Principado De Asturias (Es)
  • Panevezio Prekybos Pramones Ir Amatu Rumai (Lt)
  • Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (It)
  • Fundacion Laboral De La Construccion (Es) 
  • Istituto Per L' Istruzione Professionale Dei Lavoratori Edili Della Provincia Di Bologna (It)

The technological and organisational innovation and the new normative framework in the construction industry imposes the redefinition of the profiles and the training of the construction site technicians, integrating and in some cases replacing the existing knowledge, skills and capabilities. A better understanding of the current needs from an industrial point of view, of the current normative framework and of the existing vocational training and qualification offered is therefore needed. ICARO will bridge the gap among the construction sector needs and the training offered, proposing integration and in some cases a completely new definition of the construction site technician curricula. Doing so, ICARO will assume a crucial role in relation to the revitalization of the construction industry, which needs a generational replacement, orientating young and unemployed towards qualified professions. Moreover, ICARO will include gender issue in the construction sector since among vocational education graduates, only 10 % are women and will focus on the importance of Work Based Learning (WBL) and exchange and mobility experiences within companies into the training process, thus contributing to create higher employment possibilities. In doing so, ICARO will involve social parties and employers in the decisions regarding training quality, the effectiveness check of the WBL experience and the impact on the employment Market, thus ensuring an appropriate integration of their needs within the new curricula. ICARO will thus generate a beneficial impact on employability of young people reducing unemployment at European level, promoting actions that facilitate a quality training that is attractive and relevant to the employment Market.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union