Collective creativity and community education in cinematographic literacy for a climate action tourism

Unibo structure involved: Department of The Arts - DAR
Scientific manager: Veronica Innocenti
Unibo Team: Veronica Innocenti, Paola Brembilla, Matteo Casari
Project Web page: 
Erasmus+ Action type: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic partnerships HE - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Project reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA227-SCH-096314
Start Date: 1 March 2021
End Date: 28 February 2023
Budget:               Total:    € 247,060        UNIBO:  € 44,060 



The CONTEXT EDUCinema Clima TurAction focuses on film as a social-educational resource in climate action by means of film literacy of students between 15-17 years, who will create a musical film with locations in different countries and contexts of interest of green tourism. In this context, school musical cinema will be an awareness tool to attract and engage tourists in climate action in their tourist stays in territories that are being sought to escape the impacts of climate change and pandemics. Film literacy for climate-action green tourism emphasizes a double perspective of reflection and social-educational action, with an intergenerational, environmental, school and social, civic and community focus. This context expands the potential inherent in collective creativity focused on climate action (ODS13), and the centrality of lifelong learning (ODS4).

Its general and specific OBJECTIVES converge in the purpose of promoting film literacy for the fostering of good Environmental Education practices. These good practices, in addition to contributing to the promotion of ecologically and socially responsible values, attitudes, behaviours, etc., favour the attraction of people (visitors, tourists, etc.) who feel they are participating in activities and/or actions for the climate in tourist destinations. A line of action that – in the current circumstances, with the impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – constitutes a challenge that responds to needs and/or demands linked to improving socialization, caring for physical and emotional health, protecting employment in different economic sectors (visiting landscapes, heritage tourism, urban and rural ecology, culture, gastronomy, travel and tour operators, etc.). This is especially relevant in regions such as Galicia, Lisbon, Emilia Romagna, Gdansk, or the Canary Islands, where tourism plays an important role at the socio-economic level.

The general description of its ACTIVITIES converges in the STE(A)M methodological model: learning and teaching by learning, in this case developing scientific content for the Climate Action of the IPCC report of September 24, 2019 in all European ocean environments. The key foundations of its pedagogical practices are focused on the performing arts, and, singularly, on cinema and audio-visual resources. These performing arts are aimed at informing, raising awareness and sensitizing the population – starting with children and teenagers – about the environmental impacts caused by climate change and the high risk of being increased in the regions that in the last summer have been especially attractive for tourism due to the benefits of their low risks of heat waves and COVID-19 transmission.

The METHODOLOGY is part of the pedagogical and curricular line that, with a transversal and interdisciplinary approach, takes as a reference Action Ecotourism for the Climate. It is oriented towards awareness, critical reflection and the use of its potential in a COVID-19 stage and beyond. Education is thus placed in favour of opportunities that offer viable alternatives to mass tourism, with healthy and sustainable leisure. A line of action that subscribes to the principles and recommendations of the World Leisure Organization and the Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion and the Declaration on “Leisure, Tourism and Environment” – in which the fight against climate change has a prominent place, as does the UNESCO Incheon declaration (2015).

Among the expected RESULTS, we would like to highlight the film alphabetization to be achieved in the creation of the musical film “ClimaTurAction”, which in turn will integrate all the key competencies and will provide solid environmental education in climate action. In addition, this film and its educational guide will allow other generations to continue to be educated, offering opportunities for extension to other schools and countries. With this perspective of the EXPECTED IMPACT, creativity is vindicated as an intrinsically human gift, closely related to our particular ways of being in the world, whether in intellectual work and/or in the management of emotions.

The LONG-TERM BENEFITS include the opportunity that “collective creativity” opens in the European educational dimension to assume the need to overcome a strictly personal, local or national vision of the creative act. This cooperative and innovative model stimulates people from different EU countries to participate actively in a common project, enhancing the values of coexistence and emphasizing the rights and duties inherent in the condition of European citizenship.