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Stefano Benazzi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIO/08 ANTROPOLOGIA


Fornai C; Bauer CC; Benazzi S; Harvati K; Weber GW, Enamel thickness and dental tissue proportions in modern human upper first deciduous molars, in: ESHE, 2011(atti di: European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Leipzig (Germany), 23-24 Settembre 2011) [atti di convegno-poster]

BENAZZI S; ORLANDI M.; BONETTI C; GRUPPIONI G., Evaluating humeral bilateral asymmetry by means of a virtual 3D approach., in: On the Road to Reconstructing the Past. Computer Applications in Archaeology 2008 (CAA Budapest) conference proceedings., Budapest, ARCHAEOLINGUA, 2011, pp. 52 - 58 (atti di: Computer Applications in Archaeology 2008 (CAA Budapest)., Budapest, Hungary, 2-6 April 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Smith AL; Benazzi S; Smith LC; Green DJ; Tamvada K; Dechow P; Spencer M; Grosse IR; Weber GW; Strait DS, Integrating geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis to assess the biomechanical implications of shape variation in chimpanzee crania, in: AJPA, 2011(atti di: 80th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), 14-16 Aprile 2011) [atti di convegno-poster]

Luca Fiorenza; Stefano Benazzi, La lotta per il cibo tra uomini e Neanderthal, «LE SCIENZE», 2011, 520, pp. 70 - 75 [articolo]

Luca Fiorenza; Stefano Benazzi; Jeremy Tausch; Ottmar Kullmer; Timothy G. Bromage; Friedemann Schrenk, Molar Macrowear Reveals Neanderthal Eco-Geographic Dietary Variation, «PLOS ONE», 2011, 6, pp. e14769-1 - e14769-11 [articolo]

Luca Fiorenza;Stefano Benazzi;Ottmar Kullmer, Para-masticatory wear facets and their functional significance in hunter?gatherer maxillary molars, «JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE», 2011, 38, pp. 2182 - 2189 [articolo]

Stefano Benazzi;Luca Fiorenza;Stanislav Katina;Emiliano Bruner;Ottmar Kullmer, Quantitative assessment of interproximal wear facet outlines for the association of isolated molars, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY», 2011, 144, pp. 309 - 316 [articolo]

Luca Fiorenza;Stefano Benazzi;Bence Viola;Ottmar Kullmer;Friedemann Schrenk, Relationship Between Cusp Size and Occlusal Wear Pattern in Neanderthal and Homo sapiens First Maxillary Molars, «THE ANATOMICAL RECORD», 2011, 294, pp. 453 - 461 [articolo]

Stefano Benazzi;Ottmar Kullmer;Ian R. Grosse;Gerhard W. Weber, Using occlusal wear information and finite element analysis to investigate stress distributions in human molars, «JOURNAL OF ANATOMY», 2011, 219, pp. 259 - 272 [articolo]

Benazzi S; Bookstein F; Strait DS; Richmond B; Lucas P; Dechow P; Ross C; Grosse I; Weber GW, A symmetric virtual reconstruction of OH5, in: AJPA, 2010, pp. 65 - 65 (atti di: 79th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Albuquerque (NM, USA), 14-17 Aprile 2010) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Luca Fiorenza;Stefano Benazzi;Jeremy Tausch;Ottmar Kullmer;Friedemann Schrenk, Brief communication: Identification reassessment of the isolated tooth Krapina D58 through occlusal fingerprint analysis, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY», 2010, 143, pp. 306 - 312 [articolo]

Benazzi S.; Buti L.; Franzo L.; Kullmer O.; Winzen O.; Gruppioni G., Report of Three Fused Primary Human Teeth in an Archaeological Material, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY», 2010, 20, pp. 481 - 485 [articolo]

Coquerelle M; Benazzi S; Bookstein FL; Braga J; Katina S; Halazonetis DJ; Weber GW, The modern human mandible prior to M1 emergence: a closer look incorporating muscle insertions and the deciduous tooth arrangement, in: AJPA, 2010, pp. 85 - 85 (atti di: 79th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Albuquerque (NM, USA), 14-17 Aprile 2010) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Benazzi S.; Bertelli P.; Lippi B.; Bedini E.; Caudana R.; Gruppioni G.; Mallegni F., Virtual anthropology and forensic arts: the facial reconstruction of Ferrante Gonzaga, «JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE», 2010, 37, pp. 1572 - 1578 [articolo]

S. Benazzi; G. Gruppioni, Antropologia virtuale, in: Non omnis moriar, Roma, CISU - Centro d'Informazione e Stampa Universitari, 2009, pp. 425 - 460 [capitolo di libro]

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