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Paola Ceroni

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHIM/03 CHIMICA GENERALE E INORGANICA


B. Branchi; V. Balzani; P. Ceroni; M. Campañá Kuchenbrandt; F.-G. Klärner; D. Bläser; R. Boese, Molecular clips with extended aromatic sidewalls as receptors for electron acceptor molecules. Synthesis and NMR, photophysical, electrochemical properties, «JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2008, 73, pp. 5839 - 5851 [articolo]

E. Marchi; P. Ceroni; G. Bergamini; V. Balzani; M. Bandini; R. Sinisi; A. Umani Ronchi, Novel Blue-emitting bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) complexes. Synthesys, Photophysical and Electrochemical Characterization, «LUMINESCENCE», 2008, 23, pp. 245 - 247 [articolo]

V. Balzani; G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; A. Credi; M. Venturi, Photochemically controlled molecular devices and machines, in: Intelligent Materials, CAMBRIDGE, RSC, 2008, pp. 48 - 75 [capitolo di libro]

M. Gingras; V. Placide; J.-M Raimundo; G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani, Polysulfurated pyrene-cored dendrimers: luminescent and electrochromic properties, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2008, 14, pp. 10357 - 10363 [articolo]

C.M. Ronconi; J.F. Stoddart; V. Balzani; M. Baroncini; P. Ceroni; C. Giansante; M. Venturi, Polyviologen dendrimers as hosts and charge-storing devices, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2008, 14, pp. 8365 - 8373 [articolo]

C. Giansante; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; F. Vögtle, Self-assembly of a light-harvesting antenna formed by a dendrimer, a RuII complex and a NdIII ion, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2008, 47, pp. 5422 - 5425 [articolo]

C. Giansante; P. Ceroni; M. Venturi; V. Balzani; J. Sakamoto; A.D. Schlüter, Shape-persistent macrocycles functionalized with coumarin dyes: acid-controlled energy- and electron-transfer processes, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2008, 14, pp. 10772 - 10781 [articolo]

T. M. Figueira-Duarte; Y. Rio; A. Listorti; B. Delavaux-Nicot; M. Holler; F. Marchioni; P. Ceroni; N. Armaroli; J.-F. Nierengarten, Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Fullerene Derivatives Substituted with Oligophenylenevinylene-Ferrocene Conjugates, «NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY», 2008, 32, pp. 54 - 64 [articolo]

G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; M. Gingras; J.-M. Raimundo; V. Morandi; P. G. Merli, A Novel Synthesis of Small Gold Nanoparticles: Au(I) Disproportionation Catalyzed by a Persulfurated Coronene Dendrimer, «CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS», 2007, -, pp. 4167 - 4169 [articolo]

G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; M. Maestri; S.-K. Lee; J. van Heyst; F. Vögtle, Cyclam cored luminescent dendrimers as ligands for Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) ions, «INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA», 2007, 360, pp. 1043 - 1051 [articolo]

V. Balzani; G. Bergamini; F. Marchioni; P. Ceroni; F. Vögtle, Electronic Spectroscopy of Metal Complexes with Dendritic Ligands, «COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS», 2007, 251, pp. 525 - 535 [articolo]

P. Passaniti; M. Maestri; P. Ceroni; G. Bergamini; F. Vögtle; H. Fakhrnabavi; O. Lukin, First generation TREN Dendrimers Functionalized with Naphthyl and/or Dansyl Units. Ground and Excited State Electronic Interactions and Protonation Effects, «PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2007, 6, pp. 471 - 479 [articolo]

J. N. Clifford; A. Gégout; S. Zhang; R. Pereira de Freitas; M. Urbani; M. Holler; P. Ceroni; J.-F. Nierengarten; N. Armaroli, Fullerene Derivatives Substituted with Differently Branched Phenyleneethynylene Dendrons: Synthesis, Electronic and Excited State Properties, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2007, -, pp. 5899 - 5908 [articolo]

N. Armaroli; G. Accorsi; G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; M. Holler; O. Moudam; C. Duhayon; B. Delavaux-Nicot; J.-F. Nierengarten, Heteroleptic Cu(I) complexes containing phenanthroline-type and 1,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene ligands: structure and electronic properties, «INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA», 2007, 360, pp. 1032 - 1042 [articolo]

V. Vicinelli; G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; F. Vögtle; O. Lukin, Mechanisms for fluorescence depolarization in dendrimers, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2007, 111, pp. 6620 - 6627 [articolo]

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