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Giovanni Pau

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria

Settore scientifico disciplinare: INF/01 INFORMATICA


Wang, Ren*; Pau, Giovanni; Yamada, Kenshin; Sanadidi, M.Y.; Gerla, Mario, TCP startup performance in large bandwidth delay networks, in: IEEE INFOCOM 2004: THE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 2004, 2, pp. 796 - 805 (atti di: IEEE INFOCOM 2004 - Conference on Computer Communications - Twenty-Third Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, Hongkong, China, 2004) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

M. Roccetti; G. Pau; S. Lee, 1st IEEE International Workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment (NIME'04) - Globecom 2004 – Satellite Workshop October 2004, Dallas, Texas, USA Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, 2004. [mostra o esposizione]

Pau, Giovanni; Maniezzo, Daniela; Das, Shirshanka; Lim, Yujin; Pyon, Janghyuk; Yu, Heeyeol; Gerla, Mario, A cross-layer framework for wireless LAN QoS support, in: Proceedings, ITRE 2003 - International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education, 2003, pp. 331 - 334 (atti di: 2003 International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education, ITRE 2003, Newark, NJ, USA, 2003) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Lee S.S.; Das S.; Yu H.; Yamada K.; Pau G.; Gerla M., Practical QoS network system with fault tolerance, «COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS», 2003, 26, pp. 1764 - 1774 [articolo]

Roccetti M.; Ghini V.; Pau G.; Salomoni P.; Bonfigli M.E., Design and experimental evaluation of an adaptive playout delay control mechanism for packetized audio for use over the internet, «MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS», 2001, 14, pp. 23 - 53 [articolo]

Roccetti M.; Ghini V.; Pau G., Simulative analysis of an adaptive control mechanism for packetized voice across the internet, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING & SIMULATION», 2001, 21, pp. 101 - 106 [articolo]

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