Giorgio Bellettini

In keeping with the goals set out as part of the University’s strategic planning process, and taking into consideration the areas of competence of the Director General, the tasks of the Vice-Rector mainly focus on the three-year planning of teachers and professional staff in order to assess their effectiveness and to simplify procedures and encourage maximum participation.

He fosters promotional and informative activities aimed at professors, researchers and professional staff who may be interested in participating in competitions or in being considered for direct calls planned by the relevant structures; he promotes a welcoming environment for professors, researchers and professional staff and their successful integration into each structure, by coordinating with the Delegate for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity; he proposes to revise instructions concerning the interdepartmental transfer of professors and researchers and monitors their application and effectiveness; he puts forward procedures to enhance merit.

He is also responsible for guiding and promoting policies for defining agreements with other universities or research bodies to jointly carry out teaching and research activities; for granting authorisation to full-time professors and researchers to carry out teaching and research activities, as well as institutional and management tasks, at third party premises; for defining initiatives aimed at preventing and settling disputes with teachers, researchers and professional staff; for the career development of staff; for occupational well-being and active policies for the quality of work, by coordinating with the Delegate for Sustainability and the Delegate for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity.

As part of the tasks delegated to him, he helps to define the guidelines issued by the Director General and by the Delegate for Trade Union Relations: Federico Martelloni.

He coordinates the activities of the Delegate for Occupational Well-being: Paola Villano.


Professor Giorgio Bellettini

Vice Rector for University Staff


+39 051 2099945
+39 051 2099947
+39 051 2099301